How to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Last series of useful tips to increase traffic on your website (here is the first part of How to increase traffic to your website and here is the second ). This time we talk about global and local , the value of diversified content , the power of recycling in content management, then we will also address the topic of the quantity of content on the page : what is the optimal ratio?
Then we will see how to use social media to “push” your site. We will take a look at the essential SEO tools , which allow you to analyze the behavior of visitors on your website. We will see how to ensure that your website is always thematically oriented towards specific keywords to obtain the best positionings that meet the needs of your target (or, better, of your buyer personas ).

21) Recycling is always useful, especially on the web

Republishing content helps website owners refine and improve content that is already performing well. At HubSpot, this process is called ” historical optimization .” When you republish, you don’t just put the exact same content, and change the title, but you really need to update the content : with new paragraphs, new data and statistics, new examples, and maybe new formats, different from the previous ones, to make it even more meaningful for your audience.

You have two good reasons to do so:

it’s much easier than creating new ones;
Search engines often reward updating old content. But be careful: it works if you have actually improved the content!
Practical tips:

regularly monitor your website performance, such as dwell time, traffic and user behavior (discover The Importance of Data Analytics in Digital Marketing );
look for the highest traffic content and check if it is updated;
Also edit your meta tags (title and description especially).

Examples of republished content:

create a video tutorial of existing content (discover the advantages of a motion graphics video );
update old posts and turn them into limited-time offers;
create lists based on information in a post;
rephrases a press release.
22) The ratio between the content of the page and the html code must always be high… what does this mean?
This means that pages must be rich in textual content in relation to the HTML code present. A page with a small amount of content (text and images) is classified by search engines as a page that has little to offer, and therefore will rank poorly in search results.
The ratio considered is that between the text content and the HTML code, which must never be less than 25% (so 1 character of text for 4 characters of html code).

Here are some tips to avoid being penalized:

insert sufficient text into the page, easily readable and well structured/organized;
reduce HTML code by eliminating unnecessary comments and formatting ;
If possible, use CSS instead of HTML for formatting.
23) Use diverse content
There are many ways to create new content.
In addition to text, web content also includes images, videos, graphics, and audio files. Create content using all the different formats: blog posts, site pages, videos, webinars, etc.
Make the most of the variety of format options available. Visitors appreciate variety in content presentation.

Search engines will display the content of your website in the respective versions for different languages. This improves usability as users are immediately redirected to the desired version in the SERPs.
Don’t forget to use the ” hreflang ” tag to mark the different versions of your multilingual website.
Implement this tag in the <head> section, one for each language version.

Structure: <link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”country_name” href=”dedicated_URL” />

The “hreflang” tag should be included on every page, for every different language.
Also, every page of the site should have links to all available language versions.
Finally, add the “hreflang” tag to your XML Sitemap as well.

…and optimize it for local searches

A recent Google study showed that over 80% of users search for local shops and service providers online before visiting them .

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This is why it is important to optimize your site for local searches:

the site must be optimized for argentina phone number resource mobile browsing (see point 15 of the second episode ). Users often search for local shops, restaurants or services from smartphones;
Always use the same business name, address bw lists and phone number (NAP) on your website. Use the same information that you use in national directories (Chamber of Commerce, Yellow Pages, etc.);
register your website on Google MyBusiness. Also add pictures of you and your business, as well as your personal details;
Make sure your content is localized.
add your business to business directories like “Yelp”;
Encourage your customers to leave online feedback (customer reviews).

25) Use social media: they are an important source of traffic

If you have interesting content on your site, put it on social media.

What to do:

use social media to promote your content to your target, and choose the most appropriate ones: maybe just one is enough, but well-managed;
only post content that interests your target audience, don’t digress;
use the same language as your target;
publish regularly (and republish the most successful ones);
use paid ads on the most interesting posts (paid ads);
use images and videos to make your posts more interesting (discover The perfect management of your images and videos on social media ).
26) Encourage users to interact
User- generated content increases the relevance and freshness of a website. Users can interact in different ways: blog comments, question and answer boxes on products/services, or reviews.

Helpful Tips:

encourage your blog readers to comment on your posts by adding a CTA at the end of the text or asking open-ended questions;
write posts on controversial topics that generate comments;
share your blog posts on social networks and encourage users to comment;
allow users to review and rate your products through dedicated forms;
allow your users to answer other users’ questions about your products;
Post frequently asked questions on your website and answer them (FAQ).
27) Continuously and regularly monitor and optimize your site
A well-positioned site does not remain so for long . Constant monitoring is one of the key tasks of search engine optimization and allows you to react quickly in the event of a drop in traffic or other critical issues.

Google Search Console is a fundamental tool for monitoring. Use it, and start by uploading the sitemap (Sitemap.xml). Here you can also see the most common keywords used to find the website on Google. You can check the links of your pages, and see if there are any problems of any kind (compromised sites, shady links, etc…).

You can also access Search Console from other applications through Google Analytics and Google AdWords.

Here’s how to do it:

register a valid Google account and add your website to Search Console;
regularly check for HTML improvements in search and optimize your metadata;
check your markups (using Google Search Console);
analyze landing page clicks and use them as data to optimize your content and metadata;
check scan error statistics and fix them;
directly submit optimized websites to Google’s index using the “Fetch as Google” feature.
28) Use Google Analytics and carefully analyze the behavior of visitors on your website.
Google Analytics is a constantly evolving tool that offers many analysis options, from the simplest to the most complex. It is the essential tool for evaluating the success of your SEO activities. To activate tracking, you need to add the relevant Google Analytics Javascript code on each individual page of your site.

What to do to get started:

Check the most important indicators daily (e.g. number of page visits, bounce rates and dwell times);
enable email notifications in case of important changes in these KPIs ;
regularly compare data with previous periods.
29) Monitor and optimize, monitor and optimize, monitor and optimize, …
Never stop . Monitor and optimize your site consistently and accurately.
Take advantage of the countless tools available, starting with Google Analytics and Google Search Console , which are the standard for website monitoring. Several other commercial providers offer many other free tools that can significantly help you with your SEO efforts and beyond.
HubSpot is one of them: it offers a complete marketing, sales, customer service and CRM software platform, as well as the methodology, resources and support, to help companies grow even in the most difficult and crowded markets.

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