Differences Between UI and UX, What Are They?

n the development of technology and information as a support system in the organization, the implementation of effective UI / UX has made drastic changes in the development of mobile applications. Thus, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) have presented a mobile application design that is not only perfectly functional, but also must be easy to use.

Although UI and UX always go hand in hand and both function in website and application development, it turns out that UI and UX have differences. So, what are the differences between UI and UX? Let’s see the full explanation below.

What is UI?

Before knowing the difference between UI and UX, you must understand UI itself.

User Interface or UI is a visual display of a product that functions to bridge the system with the user. Where the UI display can be in the form of colors, shapes and writings that are designed as attractively as possible. However, in simple terms, UI can be interpreted as how the appearance of a product is seen by the user.

Usually, the UI display is designed from several aspects, namely the logo image, layout, color selection, typography for easy reading and other aspects that can beautify the appearance.

All elements that can beautify the appearance of a digital product can be categorized as UI elements. Not only in applications, the UI display on the website must also be attractive to invite more visitors.

What Is UX?

User Experience or UX is the user experi database shop ence in the process of interacting with an application or software to provide convenience for users. This experience can be seen from the ease of using the digital product. And, being able to maximize all aspects ranging from features, design, and content that can help users achieve their goals when interacting with the application.

Good UX is also supported by a good user interface (UI). A friendly UI can make users comfortable to interact longer with the product you create.

In addition, a good application must also have easy access, a menu display that is not difficult, and have clear and targeted content.

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The Important Role of UI and UX

The main goal of a company is to increase s ales and scale up the business. UI/UX plays a vital role in achieving these goals. UI/UX design can improve the user experience in the app and overall user satisfaction. This can definitely increase the number of new users, as existing users will recommend the app to their friends, relatives, etc.

UI/UX design can help you win the hearts of consumers and make them use the application continuously. For small startups, UI  what is the link between Social Signals and /UX becomes very crucial because the first impression will determine the sustainability of the company.

Difference between UI and UX

Although these two things are related, there are several differences between UI and UX in several aspects, including:

1. Design Objectives

The first difference between UI and UX is in terms of design goals. Both have very different focuses. User Interface (UI) aims to beautify the visual appearance of the product. While User Experience (UX) is designed to provide a pleasant experience for users in using the product.

This means that UI will focus on the appearance that influences the user’s first impression, while UX is more about the user experience when running an application or website.

2. Design Components

UI focuses on components including colors, ima bfb directory ges, and animated videos, font selection, buttons, and other interactive visuals. While UX design covers all components such as features, design structure, and navigation.

3. Design Process

In design creation, the difference between UI and UX is that UX requires user research in order to produce products that users like and need. UX Design also requires a more extensive process and requires the role of a UX researcher.

Likewise with UI. The design process also requires research, but the research done creates an attractive design according to the concept. Generally, a UI Designer will create a mockup first.

4. Tools Used

In terms of the tools used, the difference between UI and UX is that UI Designers will use software such as Flinto, Adobe Illustrator, Principle, and Frames X.

While some applications that support UX Designer, such as Sketch InVision, Figma, Adobe XD, Axure, and others. While UX designers must be able to do research, analytical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, and problem solving.

UI and UX Bootcamp Recommendations

After knowing the differences between UI and UX, are you interested in learning? If so, you can follow the following UI and UX bootcamp recommendations.

1. Purwadhika

Purwadhika Digital Technology School is a higher education institution that has produced digital talents for more than 35 years. This school is one of the pioneers of educational institutions in Indonesia that focuses on the world of digital technology education.

Purwadhika as an educational institution oriented towards digital technology provides educational facilities to produce a digitally intelligent generation so that they are not marginalized.

Here, you will learn from the basics of UI/UX design to being able to design a website or application that is oriented towards user needs.

  1. UI/UX Fundamentals: basic UI/UX concepts)
  2. UX Research, Ideate and Define, Design Sprint: common UX research concepts and implementations
  3. Designing, Ideating & Information Architecture: visual and user interface principles, including basic elements in UI/UX Designer
  4. UI/UX Design: creating wireframes and designing a prototype

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2. Digital School

Digital Skola is a start-up company that produces digital talents who are able to contribute to industrial development, and are able to compete in the national and international labor markets.

In the UI/UX Design class, you will learn and practice UI and UX design. This class has 35 meeting sessions that run for 3 months. The learning method in this class is online interactive using zoom.

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Learn UI and UX with Danacita

So, now you know the difference between UI and UX, right? If you are interested in studying in these two fields, but are constrained by costs, don’t worry because you can use Danacita!

Danacita as a fintech company that focuses on the world of education and is ready to make your dreams come true through affordable education financing.

Danacita has collaborated with various educational institutions and courses, including Purwadhika and Digital Skola to make your dream of taking UI and UX classes come true. That way, you can pay for courses from 6 to 24 months.

To get financial assistance, you only need to submit several supporting documents such as KTP or identity card, a photo of yourself, and a pay slip or account statement for the last 1 month for those who have a steady income.

However, if you are not working yet, the application documents can use guardian data, such as parents and siblings. In addition, Danacita is also safe, because it is licensed and supervised by OJK.

For more information, please seor if you want to start applying, you can click via the Danacita

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