Advertising training on the popular social network Instagram

You probably know that Instagram has more than 40 million Iranian users, and this statistic indicates a very good opportunity for advertising and business marketing in the internet space of this famous social network; In the continuation of this article, we are with you by teaching advertising on Instagram, a complete guide to increase Instagram followers and likes.

If you have an Instagram page, don’t miss the article on selling techniques on Instagram, in which we will talk about tricks to increase the conversion rate of visitors to posts and stories to customers, but one step before that is attracting visitors, which is done by creating content and advertising on Instagram becomes possible Why do we need advertising on Instagram.

The methods of increasing Instagram followers are diverse, and it is not only advertising that increases followers and sales in this social network, but using other methods such as content creation is better to be done along with advertising, because entering Explore Instagram is time-consuming.

The joy of getting the first sale on Instagram

Every business that is launched usually has a path full of failures and successes in various sizes, and Instagram businesses are no exception to this rule, but one of the most enjoyable moments on Instagram is when you receive the first order.

Your first order does not depend on the number of your followers, and with the number of different followers you can create sales for yourself, but the first thousand followers is the stage where you will take the first serious steps to sell.

Reaching the first thousand followers on Instagram is one of the challenges of any Instagram business, but passing this stage and attracting followers interested in your business doubles your spirit and motivation to continue.

Well, in the following, we will go to the teaching of advertising on Instagram, of course, it is better to be familiar with the concept of influencer marketing or effective marketing before that.

Important actions before advertising on Instagram

Like any other space, before database shop advertising, we must inject the correct structure and valuable content into our business, so that the ads will give better results. This correct structure on Instagram includes following a few simple things, which we will discuss further, but first, we will go to the page content production. We have just established Instagram.

1. Publish at least 15 quality and valuable content

Before starting advertising, it is necessary to create content and introduce yourself and your business, if this is not implemented correctly and Instagram advertising is started.

But by producing a number of valuable and useful content for users and publishing it, it is possible to get the satisfaction of attracted people to hit the follow button.

2. Preparing the structure of the Instagram page

The meaning of the structure on Instagram is different from the structure on the site; The purpose of optimizing the structure of the Instagram page is to optimize the user’s possible thoughts after viewing the business page.

What does this page have?

  • Logo or brand: usually the first thing that is noticed after opening an Instagram page is the logo or the same image that is shown at the top of the page; Sometimes it is a picture of a person that is common on personal pages on Instagram or it can be a trademark of a business
  • Username: The shorter and less complicated the username of the business on Instagram, the better, so that the possibility of forgetting our username by users decreases.
  • Page Name: In this section, it is suggested to put your name or business next to your main keyword, for example, Amir Hossein Eslami – SEO training.
  • Bio: Undoubtedly, one of the most important sections on any Instagram page is the Bio page where we briefly write about our expertise and field of work, and it is better to design a suitable landing page on the site and link it to the Bio website section. put

3. You have attracted at least 500 to 1000 followers

As I mentioned, attracting the first thousand followers for a page is a relatively big challenge for a newly established Instagram page, but it is not complicated and difficult; But why should we have at least a number of followers before advertising? The number of followers is one of the points that people consider to trust or not a business, and by running ads and sending people to a page that has very few followers, the conversion rate decreases.If you are familiar with SEO , you know that the more efficient we are in site optimization, the better.

The beginning of the Instagram advertising process

After performing the above three steps, your Instagram page has the minimum quality required to attract people, so we will continue with teaching advertising on Instagram.

1. What do I offer as my first step? Who are my future customers?

You are probably familiar with the concept of audience persona, it means the personality of the users of your Instagram page And a key part of any research strategy is targeting the target market .

The market that is best for our product or service.

But why should I answer the question of what I offer? Because choosing the target market completely depends on your product or service

2. Select the correct message

database shop

In advertising, a message is transmitted to the audience. This message is for branding in the first case, and in the second case, it is for inviting sales action, which we also call direct advertising.

If you want to increase Instagram followers, you can get help from the following examples:

  • Every day we publish a specific Windows trick tutorial on Instagram on a certain page.
  • The latest news of the game world on this page.
  • Providing business training for better growth.

3. Choosing the right media

After you have selected the target market and prepared an attractive message, we go to choose one or more good media to publish our advertisement. These media are diverse in digital marketing, but in teaching advertising on Instagram, I mean the media of other pages; The right media is the right page for advertising.

But what features should this suitable page for advertising have:

  • The audience of that Instagram page should be the same or at least related to your target market.
  • Its cost should be compared with other media and suitable.

4. Patience and careful review of the previous 3 steps

One of my mistakes during my time working in digital marketing and SEO and online advertising is not waiting to review the strategy and initial measures. Do not repeat this mistake and do a review after doing every research and media selection for advertising.

5. timing

If you have done the review and made sure that it is correct, it is time for the correct timing of the advertisements. Timing means choosing the correct time and day of publication of the advertisement in the selected media.

For example, on some pages, if your ad is published at 1:00 p.m., because many people are active on that page at that time, the probability of your ad post entering Instagram Explore will increase.

6. Advertising order

To order advertising on Instagram pages, it is enough to communicate with its management through direct or the contact number that is probably in the bio of the page.

Congratulations, you’ve done Instagram ads for your Instagram page, but that’s not the end of it; After formulating the advertising strategy and implementing it, we always have one step, and that is the analysis of the campaign, which has very important lessons for us to continue the advertising path.

How do I find the right page for advertising?

In the third step, when choosing how to design a corporate image that works the right media, we consider some important criteria to find a good Instagram page for advertising, as I mentioned some of these criteria above.

Linking your page to the target page for advertising

The most important thing that is considered in choosing a page for advertising is the connection between the pages. For example, if you want to advertise for a CCTV page, naturally, your target market is specific and it probably intends to increase the security of a shop or home, so what is the purpose of the page for this? Is the business suitable?

With a little creativity, we get the right pages; For example, advertising on a real estate page with a message when buying or renting a shop, we increase its security for you with this special offer.

Another example is advertising

on the pages of wholesalers of goods or food, most of whose followers are shopkeepers.

I guess you get what I mean; A related page doesn’t just have the same color and name, maybe it’s a different context, but the followers are people who are in our target community, like the two examples that just came to my mind for businesses active in the field of CCTV.

Here I have added a list of suggested questions that it is better to ask the admin of the recipient’s ad page:

  • How many views is your story?
  • Is the advertisement in the form of an Instagram post long-term or will it be deleted after a while?
  • How much does it cost to advertise posts and stories on your page?
  • Have you already had advertisements in the field of our activity?
  • Do you put links and tags in the story ad?

Asking these questions will be useful when you ask several different pages. In this case, you will reach interesting points such as the very high and strange variation of advertising costs on different pages.

Get help from Instagram suggestions

When you open a page, Instagram offers you suggestions to follow based on its algorithms and checking common followers and names and connections between pages; You can check these suggestions and choose one or more pages for advertising according to the described criteria.

Types of advertising on Instagram

There are different types of advertisements depending on the chosen space, such as the very popular social network Instagram, which we will discuss about the types of advertisements in this social network.

Of course, Instagram’s official ads are also active but due to the embargo conditions, it is difficult for Iranians to access this service, so we have nothing to do with it at the moment.

1. Story ads (with or without links)

The first type of advertising on Instagram that is common among Instagram businesses is story advertising; The important feature of this type of advertisement on Instagram is its temporary nature.

Content creation software article and photo editing program is useful for designing and editing video ads.

Some Instagram page are not interest in receiving long-term advertising orders, such as posts, so they only accept story advertising orders.

But why can story ads be useful? Let’s review some advantages of advertising in the story:

  • In the story, it is possible to insert a link to direct users to the site.
  • It is possible to insert a business tag, which is a key option for increasing Instagram followers.
  • In some pages, the number of views of stories is more than that of posts.
  • Story ads are usually cheaper than post and bio link ads.
2. Advertising in the form of Instagram posts

Post is the first possibility of Instagram b2c fax sharing, which has been possible since the launch of this social network, and it will have advantages for us for advertising.

  • It is very useful for post business branding ads.
  • It is also possible to publish the video in a longer period of time.
  • Two of the most key advantages of advertising in the form of posts are the possibility of reposting it by users and the entry of the post into Instagram Explore.
  • By producing the right content with direct or indirect advertising, Instagram posts usually attract more attention than stories.
  • It is recommend to post before holding contest and lottery campaigns.
3. sponsored ads

Becoming a sponsor is not possible for all businesses because it has special financial conditions, but it is one of the types of practical advertising on Instagram that big businesses usually use more often.

In this type of fake advertising, the recipient of the ad will mention your business in Live or Bio or in their blogging activities, depending on the conditions you have agreed upon, which will naturally result in higher costs for the advertiser.

Types of Instagram user accounts for advertising

In the continuation of the article on teaching advertising on Instagram, we will come to the section of the types of Instagram accounts. The types of user accounts do not mean whether they are Creator or Business, but the context and conditions of their activity.

1. Public pages

Most of the active news pages on Instagram are public pages because the followers of these pages are usually diverse and follow the news page in different personalities and conditions; For example, a sports news page has followers with different age ranges and different cities.

These general pages are not a bad option for advertising, but the best option are pages that are closest to our business in terms of user interest.

But not only public news pages, for example, consider an Instagram page that is comprehensive and has products for sale in many different categories. This page is also a store and public page.

2. Specialized and niche

The next type of pages to advertise on Instagram are pages that are active in a specific field, for example, a page that only works in the field of selling cheap stock laptops.

These pages sometimes have much better conversion rates, so be sure to check these types of pages for ads.

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