Mailjet recently launched a unique feature that has impressed me

How did you get started in Growth Hacking? What introduced you to this discipline? In my previous job, I worked for a company where we didn’t have much of a budget. We couldn’t spend a cent on ads, so we had to drive growth in a different way. So I started reading books and trying to better understand how all those Silicon Valley companies grew like wildfire, and then I decided to try some of those techniques. One of the first things I put into practice was implementing a referral program inspired by Dropbox. Dropbox had exponential growth, offering extra megabytes to those users who recommended it to their friends or acquaintances. So I decided to implement the same principle and in just two months we increased our acquisition by 35%.

Mailjet recently

Mailjet recently launched a unique feature that has impressed me: collaborative work. To what extent do you think the Growth team contributed to the conception of this improvement? The list of companies and agencies that decide to use our platform is constantly increasing. To help them send better emails faster, we decided to develop a new set of category email list tools that allow work teams to collaborate in real time to create and send emails. Some of them are, for example, editing templates simultaneously, user management, locked sessions, and publishing re

Let's talk about analytics,

Let’s talk about analytics, a fundamental part of Growth Hacking. What are the most important metrics for the Mailjet Growth team? We have different metrics that we analyze daily or weekly, depending on the phase of the conversion funnel. For example, if we focus on the acquisition phase, we look closely at BW Lists the number of new registrations, new paying users and ARPNU (Average Revenue Per New User) by country or by acquisition channel. This helps us know which acquisition channels attract the most quality users and focus on them. Important tip: Have you seen it? Nicolas demonstrates the way to understand metrics and make actionable and useful data panels is by confronting objectives with the ways or paths to achieve them.