What has been your biggest Growth success to date at Mailjet

What has been your biggest Growth success to date at Mailjet? At Mailjet, as part of our Growth Hacking strategy, we work on what we call parallel marketing projects, that is, micro-projects or micro-websites, focused on a specific niche and objective. One of the Growth team’s biggest successes was the GDPR questionnaire , which we launched before the new European regulation came into force, and which was completed by more than 20,000 companies. This allowed us to raise awareness in the email world about the GDPR and how it would affect businesses across Europe, but it also put us at the forefront of GDPR-compliant email platforms, attracting many new users.

And what has

And what has been your biggest Growth Hacking challenge at Mailjet? One of the biggest challenges of growth hacking, not only for Mailjet but for all SaaS companies, is to centralize all the data collected in the different tools used to have a clear vision of how to improve our key metrics. If you could go back, would you have done anything differently in top industry data your Growth strategies? One of the biggest risks in growth hacking is waiting too long before launching a project or experimenting with new growth techniques. This can happen if you don’t know how to prioritize your ideas and start working on projects that require a lot of development or product changes. Looking back, I already kno

remotely, how do you manage the p

At Mailjet you work remotely, how do you manage the productivity of the teams? Indeed, we have offices in BW Lists different countries, so the organization of tasks and teamwork are  key to being able to carry out our projects. Our best allies are collaboration tools, such as Trello, Slack or Google Docs, which allow us to maintain control over pending work and fluid communication. In fact, all the tools we use every day have inspired us to create the email collaboration kit. We saw that we could do almost everything remotely and in real time, except working on emails. We are convinced that you don’t need to be sitting in the same office to be productive, but you do need the right tools.