The term Cloud or Cloud Computing

 know this Cloud technology? If you are a developer, it is mandatory to always keep up with the times. So, there’s nothing wrong if you start getting to know Cloud technology now. In this article, we will introduce you to Cloud technology. Starting from its understanding, benefits, to its implementation on one of the proud local Cloud Providers, namely Cloudeka! Getting to Know Cloud Technology When you want to build an application that operates and can be accessed anywhere, of course you need a server. A server is a computer connected to the internet, tasked with serving user requests, and is required to remain active so that services can continue to be accessed anytime and anywhere. The role of the server is very important in building applications. 

It is so important that the computer

 That becomes the server needs to be equipped with high specifications so that it is not overwhelmed by serving many requests from users. Apart from high specifications, the server also needs to be connected to a super sophisticated internet network. The goal is so that services can be accessed anywhere quickly and reliably. Servers also need electricity that never turns ws number list off and a cool room, to keep the server in optimal condition. Because of this, server provision is a scary prospect when building an application system. Why not? Apart from the complex requirements, the costs required to build a server independently (O n-Premise ) are very expensive. Apa Itu Docker? Apa Kegunaan dan Kelebihannya – end Baca juga artikel terkait berikut ini: Apa itu DevOps? Berikut Penjelasan Lengkapnya 12 Istilah Back-End Developer Yang Wajib Untuk

Diketahui Jadi Developer Harus

Dare to Leave Your Comfort Zone: Stories of Developers Who Graduated from the AWS Scholarship Program. Did you know that in the past the process of creating a website was known to be very complicated and took a lot of time? That’s because there is no basic structure BY Lists that helps developers create a website. However, since the emergence of various PHP frameworks, the process of creating a website feels faster and easier. Why does creating a website with a framework feel easier? This is because the framework provides the basic structure for a website. Moreover, PHP is a programming.

That way users will be more flexible

 is that it can do debugging. The time required is also relatively fast, namely only about one minute to carry out the debugging process in the Sandbox. Can be used on various operating systems Previously, you already knew the features of Docker which can run on operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux. This will provide users with flexibility.So, what is docker? So, docker is a service that provides the ability to package and run applications in an isolated environment called a container. From the advantages explained above, it can be concluded that Docker can help increase developer productivity in creating quality software. So, that’s the discussion this time. Hopefully you will understand more about Docker. Keep the spirit Okay. Symphony Next is Symfony. If you order the most popular, Symfony is in third place after Laravel and CodeIgniter.

Even though it was launched

In 2005, Symfony is still used to work on various projects, both small and large. This framework is suitable for use in developing large-scale and complex websites. The advantage of this framework is that it can consume less memory than other frameworks and produces high performance. You don’t need to worry when using Symfony because it has a fairly large community. CakePHP ws database Next there is CakePHP. This framework has been widely used by thousands of websites, both static and dynamic websites. The reason CakePHP is widely used is because it can prevent SQL Injection, supports MVC, and is easy to configure. Yii Framework The last one is the Yii Framework. This framework has good security and performance. For this reason it is very suitable for developing.

Modern websites This framework

has advantages such as being easy to learn, has good security features, and can be integrated with jQuery. Conclusion So, that’s our discussion about the PHP framework. Do you have any plans to use it? You can start trying one of the frameworks described above BY Lists in creating a website. Good luck and keep up the enthusiasm. Recommendations for Popular PHP Frameworks in 2021 – end Also check out several other articles including: 5 Javascript Frameworks for Web Programmers Various CSS Frameworks for Web Coding What is a Programmer? Things that must be mastered.

Es ​​such as the Python programming language

For you to translate it into program code. Structure In general, pseudocode has three constituent parts. These parts consist of: Title As the name suggests, this section is used to indicate the title of the algorithm that will be written by the programmer. Declaration This declaration contains information such as variables or constants used in writing the algorithm. Algorithm This algorithm contains the process or commands or steps of the algorithm. It can be interpreted as the essence of pseudocode. You can write all processes in this section, such as conditional processes (if/else), loops (for), or operations (addition, subtraction, etc.). Do you know the structure and parts of pseudocode? So, now we will give you an example so that you have an idea of what pseudo code looks like. The following is an example of pseudo program code to determine odd and even.Example of odd-even program pseudocode.

Conclusion So that’s the discussion

About pseudo code. Are you interested in starting to make your own? Always keep in mind the suggestions given for writing pseudo code. Don’t make it difficult for yourself in the process of writing program code. Wait for the next article, stay enthusiastic and keep learning. Get to Know Pseudocode for Beginner Developers – end Also read the following selected articles. Learn C Programming whatsapp data Language For Beginners What is Coding? Explanation for Beginners Difference between Coding and Programming After distributing more than 38,000 scholarships to study coding in Basic and Beginner classes and 1,500 scholarships to study coding in Intermediate classes in 6 main study streams, Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp 2021 will also provide 475 scholarships to study coding in Advanced classes. Today we have selected Intermediate class graduates in the Machine Learning Developer learning .

pathway who have the right to proceed

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To the next stage, namely in the Advanced class, based on the best graduation rating and learning progress of 50 participants. The list of selected participants to receive the 2021 IDCamp. Advanced class scholarship in the Machine Learning .  We will distribute email announcements of recipients as well as scholarship tokens for the Applied Machine BY Lists Learning class via email on Thursday, September 23 2021 at a maximum of 23.59 WIB. In doing this, you will again receive online mentoring sessions from selected facilitators until the end of each advanced class. Happy learning, fellow Indonesian developers. Don’t waste this opportunity to create your best portfolio! Let’s together improve the quality of programming in Indonesia. For those of you who haven’t been selected, don’t be discouraged. There are still many ways to become a great developer in the future.

Consists of two combinations of words

means code. Pseudocode or pseudo code can be interpreted . As a description of a programming algorithm that is written simply compared to the syntax of a programming language. The goal is to make it easier for humans to read and understand. It is not a programming language, because a programming language must have rules for writing its code. Meanwhile, pseudocode itself does not have specific or standard rules for writing it, therefore it is not categorized as a programming language. You can create this pseudocode before starting to write syntax with a programming language. This aims to give you an idea of the flow of the program that will be created.

Function Apart from making

It easier for humans to understand, especially programmers, pseudocode also has other functions. Here are the functions: Can be used as a tool for documentation. To simplify the translation process into a programming language. Can be used for the process of finding an idea without having to think about the implementation of a special programming language. It is easier whatsapp number list to develop the applications created. Pseudocode notation After knowing the meaning and function of pseudocode, you also need to know what notation is used to understand the process that occurs. The following are some of the notations. INPUT Used to show the process of entering variable content. OUTPUT Used to show the output process that occurs. WHILE Used for a loop that has an initial iteration. FOR Used for an iterative calculation loop. REPEAT – UNTIL Used for a loop that has an end condition.

IF – THEN – ELSE Used to make

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A decision from several conditions. Suggestions for writing pseudo code In writing pseudocode, there are no definite rules, but the writing must be clear and logical. Here are some suggestions for those of you who want to write pseudo code: Write specifically and consistently Write your pseudocode specifically and consistently. Consistency here lies in the use of upper and lower case letters. You can use capital letters for command codes, for example IF, ELSE, and THEN. This BY Lists can help you when you write program code later so that you don’t get confused about differentiating notations and notated components. Use indents. Although using indents in pseudocode is not required, use indents to make it easier for you to read notations such as if, for, and while. You also need to know, this indentation is very influential in several programming languag.

Hello friends Hopefully you are

Pattern, namely MVC. What would a more complete explanation of MVC look like? Please read the article carefully. Understanding MVC Model View Controller or what can. Be abbreviated as MVC is an architectural pattern . For creating an application by separating. The code into three parts consisting of: Model .  Manipulating and organizing the data in the database. View The section whose job is to display . Information in the form of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Controller The part whose job is to connect and organize models.  Model View Controller flow After you know the explanation and components of MVC, now we will discuss the process flow of MVC.

The following is the process flow

Applications by separating the code into three parts, namely Model , View , and Controller . Because it has three parts that are related to each other, this view controller model has many advantages for application development and maintenance. What is MVC? Understand the Concept Well – end Also check out the following articles so you whatsapp database can broaden your knowledge. What is UML? Along with Definition and Examples 5 Best Programming Languages ​​to Learn in 2021 Difference between Coding and Programming Hey bro! On this occasion we will discuss pseudocode . Maybe pseudocode is a term that is already familiar to software developers. If you find it difficult to learn to write program code, you can start by using pseudocode. Even though it has the word “code” in it, it is not a programming language. Curious, right? Please read this article carefully! Understanding pseudocode The term pseudocode

Because it is divided into three parts

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writing code will be neater and make it easier for other developers to develop the code. Can carry out testing more easily. To ensure that all applications work according to plan. Testing or trial steps must be carried out. By using this view controller model, the testing. Process can be carried outBug or error fixes are quicker to complete. Using MVC can make it easier for developers BY Lists to fix errors or bugs that occur. Developers can focus on finding and fixing problems .  . Makes maintenance easier.   The script or code is neater and more structured . Making it easier for developers to process application maintenance. Conclusion How do you understand .

That is why it is so important to know

Online store marketing – where to start? Setting up an online store is not the most difficult task. All you ne is a domain and hosting. You add products, set payment gateways and choose delivery methods. It’s so simplifi. However, the truth is that this is only the first step in the e-commerce industry. After all, you don’t care about an online store if potential recipients will not know about its existence. And today, e-commerce is doing very well and it is not easy to stand out among competitors.

Factors That Shaped Marketing In A Pandemic

That is why promoting an online store is so important here. But before you get down to it, you should start with a few basic things. Analyze the competition Before you start promoting yourself online, analyze your competition and their  online stores. Check with whom you will “fight” for potential buyers and who is whatsapp mobile number list your biggest opponent. Find out what methods of promotion they use and what makes them visible on the web Facebook Ads, Google Ads, guest articles, active promotion in social mia, a well-position store in the Google search engine? If your competition works with advertising on several different levels, you will probably also have to take this route.

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In Content Publishing Build A Strong

Advertising an online store is a complex task. Understand the buying behavior of consumers Even the most visible advertisement of an online store that reaches a large group of recipients will not fulfill its task if the consumer does not find what appeals to him in your store. The ad itself should be tailor to specific buyers. the purchasing behavior of a given group before launching an advertising campaign. Remember that effective online store advertising is the one tailor to the nes of the target group you want to reach. Before starting the campaign, create a content plan and personas BY Lists of potential recipients you want to reach with your products.

In a b2b company look like

Advertising campaigns can also help increase voter engagement in the election campaign. In order to effectively use advertising campaigns to increase electoral reach, it is necessary to start by defining the goals and strategy of the campaign. Then you ne to choose the right advertising tools, such as social mia advertising, newspaper advertising, outdoor advertising, radio and television advertising, as well as other forms of advertising. Next, plan your budget and set the duration of your campaign. The next step is to create advertising content that will effectively attract the attention of voters.

How To Prevent Marketing Budgets From Being Overblown

This content should be in line with the goals of the campaign and should be tailor to the target audience. Then choose the right distribution channels to reach as many voters as possible. Finally, monitor campaign performance and make changes whatsapp mobile number list if necessary. Monitoring the effectiveness of the campaign will allow you to determine whether the campaign is effective in increasing the electoral reach. INSTAGRAM MARKETING CAMPAIGN EXAMPLES Instagram marketing campaigns are an effective way to reach a large audience and build brand awareness. With the right strategy, businesses can use Instagram to engage with their target audience, increase website traffic, and generate leads.

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B2B Client ​​How Are Their Needs Changing

In this article, we will explore some of the best Instagram marketing campaign examples to help you get inspir and create your own successful campaigns. We will look at campaigns from a variety of industries, including fashion, food, travel, and more. By BY Lists the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to create an effective Instagram marketing campaign and the types of campaigns that work best for different businesses. CREATIVE INSTAGRAM MARKETING CAMPAIGNS THAT GENERAT RESULTS . National Geographic’s WanderlustContest: National Geographic’s WanderlustContest was a creative Instagram marketing campaign that encourag users to share their travel photos.

Now I have an extra boss and senior

Subject to conditions I want to go back to China to apply what I have learnit. Share cultural experiences. After returning to Russia. I startit to think about how I could use the knowlitge of humanitarian marketing and management accumulatit at university to continue working in the field of tourism. For several months. I’ve been trying to find direction in my dream career. And chose digital marketing. There are not many large companies in Russia that are engagit in tourism and offer opportunities for the development of digital marketing. So I get it. Difficult to access. I remember seeing a targetit ad on the internet looking for a developer.

Wonder why companies look for employees

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I am very interestit in the process

Changing individuals through training. I hope we can move in the direction of itucation. Because webinars are just one tool among many. By the way. For our current final webinar be sure to check out our marketing team with a horizontal management structure. We all check each other in one way or another for advice and work on projects together. mentor. So sometimes it’s easier for me than others. She helps me with tasks and plans. But I enjoy almost complete independence and freitom in BY Lists decision-making. About the webinar Before organizing a webinar. You neit to define your goals.