The Iron Throne arrives in Madrid in this incendiary action

The shield of the Targaryen house flies over the streets of Madrid, in promotion of The House of the Dragon , the hit of HBO Max . This can be seen in the Plaza de Callao next to an installation of the Iron Throne, where fans of the series have been able to sit like the authentic kings and queens of the Seven Kingdoms, between August 31 and September 4. In the heart of the Spanish capital, the surprising Targaryen shield could be seen in flames, on a gigantic three-dimensional canvas that shows the silhouette of the three dragons and says “Fire will reign . 

Other advertising actions of The House of the Dragon

This is not the first action to promote category email list the series on Spanish soil. In celebration of the premiere of The House of the Dragon. Last August , of La Concha in Donostia. Created by the Welsh artist Jon Foreman. Known for his pieces from the movement. Land Art . While waiting for the premiere of the fifth episode of the series. Fans can experience becoming a real dragon. Thanks to a collaboration between Snapchat and HBO Max . In the app users can access a lens app that will be available worldwide . As new dragons are introduced in the season, Snapchat will add new experiences.

Fans of the series were able to enjoy an artistic installation

The House of the Dragon has captivated BY Lists fans of Game of Thrones , the series had almost 10 million viewers in its premiere. Therefore, who wanted to know the history of the mythical house Targaryen 200 years before the events of the original series. Thus surpassing the record held by Game of Thrones. Without a doubt, the big favorites are Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. In a special action created by TBS and produced by the creative studio andtonic for HBO Max. Therefore, fans of the series will be able to enjoy this installation in Madrid.

Analyzing the copy of above the fold (top of the screen)

It’s not  Analyzing the bad to generate 500 euros in a single afternoon, right? This post goes in that direction: trying to provide you. With a useful reference guide to save you time (and thus make you earn more money). When performing an SEO audit . Article index 1 What is an SEO audit for? 2 Elementary SEO audit – beginner level 2.1 First steps. Know the website, the sector and the objectives 2.2 Check crawling and indexing. Optimizing the WPO 2.4 Verify URL response codes. View internal linking and authority flow. Improve content 2.7 Link building: external linking strategy What is an SEO audit for? Let’s start with a quick definition to get our bearings.

Article index 1 What is an Analyzing the SEO audit for 2 Elementary SEO audit

An SEO audit is a complete analysis, an x-ray, of all the elements category email list of a website that influence its positioning, so that errors can be detected to be solved and opportunities to improve. In general, audits are usually talked about in the field of SEO consultants as one of their main functions. In fact, a professional SEO audit carried out by an experienced consultant can reach prices from €400-500 to €1,500-2,000 in specific cases, where the consultant has a certain reputation or is very specialized. And it is no wonder, since a well-worked.

SEO audit is not just for consultants in fact, it should be a common practice

SEO audit becomes a roadmap on BY Lists which to walk step by step to achieve results: more traffic and more conversion ideally (although the latter is located a little closer to the area of ​​​​the CRO). But an SEO audit is not just for consultants: in fact, it should be a common practice for anyone who has a website, whether it is a personal blog, a niche or an ecommerce… Anyone looking for visibility through search engines… of course. Elementary SEO audit – beginner level In this content you will learn how to do a basic SEO audit , but complete enough to be able to start charging for it.

Your Passport to Product Excellence

Brands can exploit the endowment effect Your Passport. For their own benefit, fueling the feeling of ownership among consumers even before making the purchase. Giving the customer the opportunity to try on sunglasses virtually is an example of a practical application of the endowment effect. 5. IKEA effect We appreciate things more when we have invested our time, our sweat and even our tears in them.

Assemble it themselves

IKEA knows this Your Passport well and that is why the furniture sold by the famous category email list Swedish brand encourages the consumer to get down to work and assemble it themselves. “Doing something for yourself spurs purchasing power,” Modemann said. In the universe of online marketing, the IKEA effect can take shape by treating the customer to different experiences throughout the entire customer journey.

Brand in which they Your Passport have decided

An example would be guiding the BY Lists consumer through a catalog of questions. Your Passport in which they must spend a few minutes before the brand in which. They have decided to place their trust suggests the “perfect product.” Why Catchy. Slogans Aren’t Necessarily the Most Memorable (and Vice Versa) Esther Lastra Written by Esther Lastra.

Mailjet recently launched a unique feature that has impressed me

How did you get started in Growth Hacking? What introduced you to this discipline? In my previous job, I worked for a company where we didn’t have much of a budget. We couldn’t spend a cent on ads, so we had to drive growth in a different way. So I started reading books and trying to better understand how all those Silicon Valley companies grew like wildfire, and then I decided to try some of those techniques. One of the first things I put into practice was implementing a referral program inspired by Dropbox. Dropbox had exponential growth, offering extra megabytes to those users who recommended it to their friends or acquaintances. So I decided to implement the same principle and in just two months we increased our acquisition by 35%.

Mailjet recently

Mailjet recently launched a unique feature that has impressed me: collaborative work. To what extent do you think the Growth team contributed to the conception of this improvement? The list of companies and agencies that decide to use our platform is constantly increasing. To help them send better emails faster, we decided to develop a new set of category email list tools that allow work teams to collaborate in real time to create and send emails. Some of them are, for example, editing templates simultaneously, user management, locked sessions, and publishing re

Let's talk about analytics,

Let’s talk about analytics, a fundamental part of Growth Hacking. What are the most important metrics for the Mailjet Growth team? We have different metrics that we analyze daily or weekly, depending on the phase of the conversion funnel. For example, if we focus on the acquisition phase, we look closely at BW Lists the number of new registrations, new paying users and ARPNU (Average Revenue Per New User) by country or by acquisition channel. This helps us know which acquisition channels attract the most quality users and focus on them. Important tip: Have you seen it? Nicolas demonstrates the way to understand metrics and make actionable and useful data panels is by confronting objectives with the ways or paths to achieve them.