Why Write If No One Reads You?

You have embraced the cause of content marketing, you have organized yourself to regularly write and publish interesting content on your website and social channels, you are committed to it with care and dedication.

But nobody reads you.

Needless to say, it’s a waste of time, resources (writers, coordinators, checkers), and it’s also quite frustrating. And almost useless. So don’t forget: Content is king, but distribution is queen .

Content marketing has proven over time to be an undeniable asset in making yourself known to a wider audience of people, increasing brand awareness, building a loyal base of followers, and encouraging those who read you online to click, take action, and ultimately become customers.

The problem, however, is that you are not the only one who has discovered this secret.

There is a huge amount of content online Why Write If No One Reads You?

It’s a real ” content shock “. Just think that every day more than 4.5 million blog posts like the one you’re reading now are posted (source: techjury).

The only way to ensure that the content you also pour onto the web does not get lost in the mass is to create a content distribution strategy that allows you to make the most of what you write.
So, your mantra from now on will be: write, publish, share and promote .
And all 4 phases are equally important.

Let’s see in detail how to create the strategy, starting from the basics.

1. What is content distribution?
Content distribution is the process of promoting and sharing content across multiple channels to reach a wider audience. Content distribution is an important part of content marketing and can help generate traffic, increase brand visibility, and increase conversion of potential customers.

There are several strategies and techniques for content distribution , such as creating search engine optimized content, promoting it on social media, and collaborating with influencers or third-party websites.

The goal of distribution is to get your content to your audience and enable their consumption through different channels and formats. This brings us to the second question.

2. What are the channels of content distribution? Why Write If No One Reads You?

The channels available to a digital marketer are divided into three types: owned, earned and paid .

Owned channels are yours, the ones you have control over: your website, the good old company blog, your social networks (even if here you have to deal with the cruel algorithms that regulate the feed), the newsletter you send to your contacts.
Earned channels are related to someone sharing your posts, or talking about you on forums or with online reviews.
Paid channels , of course, are the media channels that you pay for, when you spend money : from the classic pay per click campaign to an activity with paid influencers.
3. How to build a content distribution strategy
Some marketers say you should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% promoting it . What do you think?

If this seems excessive, go back to point 1: the content you write is useless if it doesn’t reach the right people. So, it’s better to think about it beforehand and create, together with your content marketing strategy , a content distribution strategy . It will help you better organize your work with your team, to be aligned on objectives and methods of measuring results.

A. Do some research on your target

Try to understand who you are talking to and what their consumption habits are. If you are already following the golden rules of inbound marketing , you have already defined your buyer personas : use them.

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B. Analyze your current content

Which topics have you already covered albania phone number resource and which ones haven’t you? How are they performing? What seems to interest readers the most (and is it obviously in line with your offer and your target)? What is missing?

C. Choose distribution channels
If you know the habits of your buyer bw lists personas, it will be easier to define the channels to favor: are your customers on LinkedIn or Facebook? Optimize the proprietary channels first, over which you have control without spending, and then think carefully about where to invest the budget for paid channels.

D. Choose the type of content

Textual or video articles? Infographics or interviews? It’s important to understand what type of content you want to produce, and how much it costs you to do so, both internally and externally.

E. Set your goals
Traffic, engagement, leads: analyze the performance of your current content and establish precise KPIs to monitor the progress of your content strategy .

F. Create an editorial plan
A shared (and respected) editorial calendar helps you keep your activity organized in the medium to long term. Also include the channels through which you intend to distribute the content within the plan.

To learn more about how to create a content editorial plan, read our article “ How to Make an Editorial Plan for Your Blog (with a Downloadable Template) ”.

G. Create the content!
The time has come to start writing.

If you need some helpful tips, read our post “ How to Create a Distillate of Valuable Content ”.

H. Distribute and promote

Now your content is ready to conquer the world! Remember that each channel has its own rules and it might be a good investment to spend some time adapting your content to the medium, for example when it comes to posts on various social media.

I. Measure and analyze results

Back to point E. Set your goals and monitor your performance to see what works and what doesn’t. Don’t forget that results often show up over the long term, and blog posts can continue to generate traffic months (or years) after they’re published.

Are you ready? Does it all seem immensely complicated?

Luckily, there are tools ready to step in on your behalf to help you manage your content creation and distribution strategy .

One of these is HubSpot

An all-in-one marketing software that lets you manage everything from your website to emails to social media posts, offering you a single integrated platform and advanced analytics tools . From the platform you can schedule, post and analyze content on social media, as well as manage the sending of newsletters and the creation and publication of blog posts. When you want to analyze the results of the various activities, you can do it quickly.

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