Working as a team is “easy” – plan, communicate and execute (repeat)

Our team knows what they have to do. In most cases I say this because, of course, there can always be new situations where it is good to have a more experienced person like me give my point of view. That helps a lot to find a solution sooner.

Although in theory it is not necessary to give many explanations about some repetitive tasks, it is necessary to do so. I will tell you.


1 Plan the task
2 Communicate with the rest of the team
3 Execute a task

Organize a meeting to coordinate different steps of the task between different members of the team.
Document the task in Jira and fill in all the fields (sprint, epic, description, story points, responsible).
Follow up on it.

Also verifying that a task is being done and is being done is part of communication. In this part we still fail a lot.

Plan the task

This is what comes first. Sometimes it is necessary for two people to do it, other times it is enough for one person to do it. For simple things 5-10 minutes of dedication, for others it is more like 30-60 minutes or even several sessions. The important thing is this:

Do not mix topics and be focused on that task only.
Divide the task into simple and executable steps.
Plan when they are going to be carried out.
Estimate the effort that the task will require.
Prioritize it so that later albania phone number library decisions can be made about the order in which tasks will be executed.
Assign responsibilities to that task (responsible, the one who executes, the one who is informed).
Communicate with the rest of the team

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Execute a task

The time has come to take action.

Perform the task at the Me pehea te whakaora i te hainatanga hiko? planned time. For this we organize sprints.
Communicate about the status of a task in case it is delayed or has many story points so it cannot be finished in one session (Jira task comments).
Keeping the rest of the team informed at all times about important and relevant tasks for the team (especially those related to the most gambler data immediate impact on sales and costs).
Thinking about the next step.
Engineers may see something reflected in the Deming PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). In reality, it is nothing more.

I give you an example

Ordering a new product from a supplier in China.
Documentation in our investor tool.
Planning the task of creating design and texts.
Thinking about packaging to send to Amazon warehouses.
Uploading to the website and other marketplaces.
Now writing these tasks point by point, I see that we have already solved a part because we have recurring task templates with subtasks and it is already part of the solution.

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