Mastercard promotes environmentally friendly payment cards with a global payment card recycling program

In the era of digital transformation, the financial industry is evolving not only in terms of technology, but also in its approach to sustainability. One such initiative that stands out is Mastercard’s Global Card Recycling Program . This program is an important step towards rucing plastic waste and promoting sustainability in the financial sector.

Mastercard promotes environmentally friendly payment cards with a global payment card recycling program

Mastercard with a pioneering commitment to produce sustainable cards by 2028

It is estimat that there are around 25 billion payment cards in circulation and almost all of them are made of the new plastic. Mastercard has therefore been analyzing sustainable materials that can be recycl since 2018. All this with 2024 fresh whatsapp number list the desire to make their debit and crit cards more sustainable. At the same time, they follow the pioneering commitment that from 2028 all new cards within the Mastercard network will be made from sustainable materials. At the same time, abandon the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in the production of cards.

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What is the actual lifespan of payment cards?

As a result, this means that over time all cards will carry an eco-certificate. With this mission, they complement the Digital Pogajanja z zavarovalnicami First card program, as part of which users can decide to have a payment card only in digital form.

Payment cards in themselves do not have a lifetime that is ti to the wear and tear of the material. However, the card issuer decides to europe email set the. Validity of the card for a period of three to seven years. The decision on this usually depends on various factors. From the desire for a renew design on the cards, security, expiration of security keys on the card chip, durability of plastic and many others. As a rule, the lifespan of an individual physical card is around four years on average.

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