Most of the Stress That People Suffer at Work Comes

sparty has finished Most of the defending their positions. “To perfect our capacity for empathy, it is advisable that we take an interest in the person or people in front of us, know their culture, their hobbies, their life circumstances, understand their needs and objectives. Only then can we put ourselves in their place,” advises the speaker. THE EEPPAA MODEL: HOW TO SUCCEED IN ANY NEGOTIATION It is a universal negotiation model that allows any negotiation to be successful by following these simple steps: Listen: Being attentive to listening to who we have to negotiate

That Urgency or Importance Is for Others but Not for You.

with allows us to generate more trust in ourselves, facilitating our requests. Empathy: Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. It is a plus point to understand the needs of the other party. Even more important is being able to generate empathy in others. Questions: Asking is essential to clarify, delve into details and find alternatives that will lead our negotiation to success. Questions  business lead  generate possibilities. Proposal: Proposing means putting in favor, making agreements begin to materialize. We can also make a proposal to change the conditions of the negotiation. It is up to us how and for what purpose we make our proposal. Agreement :

business lead

A negotiation without agreements is not a negotiation. Remember to make clear to all parties the commitments, times and conditions you want to negotiate. Always try to get it in writing to ensure a backup of your agreement. Actions: Once everything is formalized, we have to take action, avoiding procras      tination BY  Lists  and loss of commitment. It is important to monitor from the beginning the times established to meet the objectives and monitor to see that everything is being carried out. HOW TO SAY ‘NO’ AND BE MORE PRODUCTIVE A co-worker asks you to

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