Mastercard promotes environmentally friendly payment cards with a global payment card recycling program

In the era of digital transformation, the financial industry is evolving not only in terms of technology, but also in its approach to sustainability. One such initiative that stands out is Mastercard’s Global Card Recycling Program . This program is an important step towards rucing plastic waste and promoting sustainability in the financial sector. Mastercard promotes…

Amazon Prime Day October 2023 many discounts on Amazon October 10 and 11, 2023 for Amazon Prime subscribers

Amazon Prime Day October 2023 , which is nam “Prime Big Deal Days”, was design as a special sales campaign that offer buyers a significant discount and other promotional benefits. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 10 and Wnesday, October 11, 2023 . The event is bill as a follow-up to the original Amazon Prime…

How you run says something about your character

We ask researcher Aurélien Patoz of the University of Lausanne in Switzerland how this works. She starts by explaining that in cognitive science, the conventional idea of ​​a separation between body and mind is increasingly being question. “The new paradigm assumes a symbiotic relationship between cognitive processes in the brain and the physical body. It…