Field Work Practice at Telkom Purwokerto Vocational School

Nowadays, many companies around the world are beginning to realize the importance of Human Resources (HR) development Field Work Practice at and the company’s usefulness to the wider community while still paying attention to aspects of business achievement. As a technology company that continues to grow, JMC IT Consultant pays more attention to these aspects. Some things that JMC IT Consultant has done and will continue to do are organizing various technology-related training, implementing CSR, and also accepting work practices for students and college students who have a correlation of knowledge with the company’s vision and mission.

According to the proposal submitted,

Referring to the above, recently, JMC IT Consultant accepted 4 (four) participants for Field Work Practice (PKL) from SMK Telkom Purwokerto. The four participants came from the same department, namely Software Engineering (RPL). Through the RPL Department, the four participants have studied materials related to programming languages, web design, and so on.

PKL participants from SMK Telkom Purwokerto will undergo work experience  recent mobile phone number list information obtained, participants decided to do work experience at JMC IT Consultant after searching through the Google search engine and found that the business focus of JMC IT Consultant was in accordance with the field of science they were studying.

In its implementation

PKL participants have the opportunity to help the production team’s work while absorbing knowledge from IT experts at JMC IT Consultant. By joining the production team, participants can hone their skills and creativity in the field of web design and programming languages. Sharing their impressions, participants were happy to be able to do work practice at JMC IT Consultant.

recent mobile phone number list

This is due to the professionalism of fellow mentors, the conducive working atmosphere, and also the family side of JMC IT Consultant. Not only that, as a form of appreciation for the work of JMC IT Consultant, participants have used the mobile app Trans Jogja Navigatordeveloped by JMC IT Consultant and feel the benefits of the application. SMK Telkom Purwokerto PKL participants hope that this activity can add knowledge and experience for future provisions.

DKI Jakarta Province?


Are there any JMC Friends who live in DKI Jakarta Province? Or do you have plans to visit the capital in the near future? Whatever the purpose, how updating your archives can drive more traffic to your blog it is undeniable that the Capital City of Indonesia, namely DKI Jakarta Province, is a magnet for all sectors of life in Indonesia, including government, business, development and other important sectors.

TransJakarta Bus Tracker!

As one of the big cities in Indonesia, DKI Jakarta Province requires a safe, comfortable and integrated public transportation mode. As a step to realize these ideals, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in 2004 inaugurated TransJakarta, the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transportation system in Southeast and South Asia with the longest route in the world, which is 208 kilometers. Until now, TransJakarta continues to develop to serve the needs of public transportation in the Capital City.

Well, for JMC friends who often use TransJakarta transportation, you must have experienced a situation where the bus you are going to use does not come immediately and without certainty. Such a situation, besides being tiring, also wastes your valuable time. To help with this need, JMC IT Consultant has launched an application that can show the position of the bus for the corridor where you are waiting:


With the presence of the TransJakarta Bus Tracker application, it is expected to be able to help JMC Friends’ needs in using the TransJakarta  b2b fax lead transportation mode. JMC IT Consultant as the application developer, with open arms accepts feedback from JMC Friends for the development of the TransJakarta Bus Tracker application in a better direction. So, don’t forget to install the application!

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