The advent of digital has brought

With it countless The advent of changes in the way of communicating, but not only that. We can also notice differences in terms of advertising, such as the increase in profits generated by a campaign thanks to ROI marketing strategies.
With the advent of digital, it is possible to obtain a high profit with a minimum investment. Marketing ROI, therefore, can be effectively optimiz thanks to specific digital strategies. One of these is email marketing. Here are our recommendations for increasing sales through sending target emails.

Digital has revolutioniz our lives, changing habits and behaviors. The world of marketing has adapt to this change, and has integrat its strategies with new technological tools, which allow you to obtain high earnings by investing smaller sums than in the past. In this way, it is possible to create a ROI capable of exceeding all expectations. But what is marketing ROI?

Marketing ROI

Email marketing refers to the promotion of products and services via email . Although many argue that emails are no longer effective.  As they are consider spam by those who receive them, this type of advertising is currently the driving force behind inbound marketing campaigns: it creates a link between the company and customers. Both potential and non-potential, and allows you to maintain open and lasting relationships with them, thus increasing the possibility of obtaining profits .

After creating a mailing list, in fact, you hungary phone number library can send your contacts emails with exclusive content, offering a promotion, a welcome message or simply telling the news about your company or your business: in this way you will establish an increasingly strong bond with your audience. This system will allow a wide diffusion of the message you want to send to your customers: in fact, by sending a single email, it is possible to reach a large number of contacts , in a very short time and at zero cost, thus obtaining a decidedly advantageous ROI.

Personalize your emails

By personalizing your emails, for example by. Inserting the recipient’s name in the subject line, you can demonstrate that you care about your customers and build trust with them. In addition, personaliz emails are open more frequently than “anonymous” emails: this is essential to determine the success of an email marketing campaign.

Analyze the email with A/B testing
A/B testing, also call split testing, is used to test the best version of the same email, both in terms of subject and content.

The mechanism is simple: version A is sent to a group of contacts, while version B is sent to another group, different from the first. After that, you ne to monitor which version of the email was open more, whether A or B: in this way you can easily choose the most effective version bas on the target you want to address.

Segment your contact list

Email marketing allows you to increase the cycle of managing my team your ROI because it reaches users who are truly interested in your business. To do this, it becomes necessary to organize a contact list according to a specific criterion that can include age, place of birth, occupation and so on.

By creating groups of contacts. We make it easier to write content specific to their interests and send emails optimized based on that target. If the user receives an email that does not reflect his interests and that seems to be sent automatically, he will no longer pay attention to the company that sent it and will trash any future messages.

Optimize emails for mobile

Therefore, optimizing your emails so that egypt data they are responsive. And therefore perfectly readable even on smartphones, is a distinctive element that allows you to stand out from your competitors.

As we have seen, it is possible to generate profits by investing less and less. The web now offers solutions and tools useful to your business, automating some practices that previously required hours of work. In this context, inbound marketing and, more specifically, email marketing, allow you to optimize ROI effectively. At WAM , we are able to best manage every email marketing campaign. If you want to learn more about the ways to increase sales thanks to digital. Read our post How to increase sales with innovation .

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