How about those hot live broadcast rooms in 2021?

What happened to those live broadcast rooms that exploded in 2021? From Hanging Erka to Han Shu and his wife, from Coach Annan to Yin Shahan, the live broadcast room in 2021 is full of stories. Tens of millions of anchors are devoted to traffic and want to sell goods from time to time, but there are very few who can be called popular in the end. Today, the editorial department of the new list reviewed the 6 popular live broadcast rooms in 2021. There are not only right or wrong explorations in content, but also follow-ups that many people have not finished chasing.

Hot live broadcast: from “Han Shu couple” to “one whale and one bomb”

I hope that these experiences can provide some reference directions for the live broadcast industry in 2022. 1. Live broadcast of domestic products: from wild consumption to domestic product involution On July 21, 2021, Hanging Erka, a domestic product brand, ignited the patriotic enthusiasm of netizens by announcing a donation of 50 million Afghanistan Phone Number List yuan to aid Henan. Taking the Doujin account “Hanging Erka Official Flagship” as an example, according to the statistics of Lindau, after the incident, the live broadcast room brought in 22.85 million yuan of goods within 30 hours, with a total of 24.93 million viewers.

Live broadcast of the plot: from the word-of-mouth palace drama to the average daily GMV of 25,000 yuan

Phone Number List

Prior to this the peak number of online users of “Hanging Erka Official Flagship” was only a few hundred people and the cumulative. Number of viewers and estimated sales were only around 50,000, which is equivalent. To a nearly 457-fold increase in GMV in 30 hours. After wild BY Lists consumption. What changes have taken place in Hanging We observe from the inside and the outside respectively. Internally taking Doujin as an example. According to new Doujin statistics the “Hanging Erka Official Flagship” has an average. Daily viewership of 490,000 in the past 90 days, and a daily. Average GMV of 420,000 yuan which is far lower than the peak delivery performance.

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