I analyze the copy of the landing page that generated

I recommend using a nomenclature I analyze so that the events are not chaos. In this case we have used: What we want to measure. Where we are going to measure it Label type: We select Google Analytics. Universal Analytics Tracking Type. Event Category. Affiliate Click (or a name that allows you to differentiate the event). Action: {{Click URL}}, with this parameter we will obtain the. URL on which the user clicks (such as the Amazon URL). Label: {{Page Path}}, to obtain from which URL on our website they clicked. Hiit without interaction. False Google Analytics settings: the variable we created. Above With this configuration, we will be creating an Event that tells us which.

Interested in creating I analyze an event for any click the user makes

URL has been clicked (Action) and top industry data from which part of our website (Label). Now we need to define when we want this event to be created . We are not interested in creating an event for any click the user makes (it would also count the user’s internal navigation clicks on our website), so we must establish a series of activation conditions. Step 2: Activation We want to track only clicks made on affiliate links, and from any site on our website: Trigger Type: Click – Links Only This trigger is activated on: Some link clicks Run this trigger when an event occurs and all of these conditions are met.

Activation We want to track only clicks made on affiliate links

To define which clicks we want the BY Lists label to trigger, we must differentiate several cases: Affiliate clicks with a URL modified by us . For example, in the case of Hostingsaurio, the Pretty Links plugin has been used so that all affiliate links have the structure: hostingsaurio.com/ver/PLATAFORMADEHOSTING. In this way, we can easily differentiate all the affiliate.

Links, since otherwise, each one would have a different structure and it would be difficult to draw a pattern. In the case of using affiliation through Amazon , we know that the links contain “amazon.es” or “amzn.to” What needs to be put in this last field will depend on the type of affiliate links we use: Click URL + contains + AFFILIATE URL STRUCTURE If we use Amazon Affiliates, we can use the following regular expression.

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