Live broadcast with goods, TVB “last stand”?

Chen Munshi spoke Mandarin so fast that I listened to it, but speaking Cantonese later on made me feel more comfortable.” “I can’t understand at all. After the host speaks Cantonese, the assistant translates again, which will affect the perception of the live broadcast room.” Li Xu, a die-hard TVB fan, and Zhao Qi, who doesn’t understand Cantonese, expressed two completely different feelings about “Blue Hole Commercial” after watching TVB’s first show on Taobao. At 18:00 on March 7th, TVB Taobao’s official live broadcast account “TVB Zhuihu” started broadcasting for the first time.

Falling from the altar

Three hours after Hong Kong star Chen Munshi started broadcasting, Chen Hao entered the venue, and the live broadcast lasted for 6 hours. Because of the gimmicks of “Bilingual Live Streaming” and “Hong Kong Style Nostalgia”, second bringing into Finland Phone Number List Drama Cantonese and other related topics rushed into the hot searches on Weibo. Li Xu, who grew up watching TVB Hong Kong dramas, is a “die-hard fan” of Hong Kong dramas. She has watched the entire series of “Storm of Hearts” at least 3 times. She also plays the Cantonese version of “Scheme of the Palace” when she is at home with a baby. On the evening of March 7th, Li Xu resolutely chose the latter between Li Iraqi and TVB.

Love and hate short video

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That night, the high-frequency words in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room were “memory killing” and “nostalgia”. In order to support Chen Munshi and Chen Hao, she seldom eats desserts, so she ordered products such as . Jenny Cookie Smart Bear Handmade Biscuits” in the live broadcast room. According to statistics, 131 products BY Lists were launched on the live broadcast that night, including food, cosmetics, luxury clothing, 3C electronics and other categories, and the line is basically instant. According to the “First Show Battle Report” released by TVB’s official Weibo, the sales of the show exceeded 23.5 million yuan, the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 4.85 million. And the highest number of online users exceeded 30,000.

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