The term Cloud or Cloud Computing

 know this Cloud technology? If you are a developer, it is mandatory to always keep up with the times. So, there’s nothing wrong if you start getting to know Cloud technology now. In this article, we will introduce you to Cloud technology. Starting from its understanding, benefits, to its implementation on one of the proud local Cloud Providers, namely Cloudeka! Getting to Know Cloud Technology When you want to build an application that operates and can be accessed anywhere, of course you need a server. A server is a computer connected to the internet, tasked with serving user requests, and is required to remain active so that services can continue to be accessed anytime and anywhere. The role of the server is very important in building applications. 

It is so important that the computer

 That becomes the server needs to be equipped with high specifications so that it is not overwhelmed by serving many requests from users. Apart from high specifications, the server also needs to be connected to a super sophisticated internet network. The goal is so that services can be accessed anywhere quickly and reliably. Servers also need electricity that never turns ws number list off and a cool room, to keep the server in optimal condition. Because of this, server provision is a scary prospect when building an application system. Why not? Apart from the complex requirements, the costs required to build a server independently (O n-Premise ) are very expensive. Apa Itu Docker? Apa Kegunaan dan Kelebihannya – end Baca juga artikel terkait berikut ini: Apa itu DevOps? Berikut Penjelasan Lengkapnya 12 Istilah Back-End Developer Yang Wajib Untuk

Diketahui Jadi Developer Harus

Dare to Leave Your Comfort Zone: Stories of Developers Who Graduated from the AWS Scholarship Program. Did you know that in the past the process of creating a website was known to be very complicated and took a lot of time? That’s because there is no basic structure BY Lists that helps developers create a website. However, since the emergence of various PHP frameworks, the process of creating a website feels faster and easier. Why does creating a website with a framework feel easier? This is because the framework provides the basic structure for a website. Moreover, PHP is a programming.

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