Know Your CV and Tell It Like a Story

Try to add color to your examples and use the opportunity to show off some skills they might be looking for. For instance. Rather than saying ‘i’m very proud to have won an award in my last job’. You could say ‘in my last job i won an award for driving sales targets by x% and for using an innovative technology that show a return on investment’. Giving consideration to the examples you will tell in advance of your interview will help with questions you’re likely to be ask. Such as ‘tell me a time you dealt with…’. Which often crop up. If you’re at entry level and don’t have too many business examples to share. Think back to any volunteer work. Ucation or personal achievements that show off key leadership skills or talents relevant to the role. A good way to prepare is by using the star model approach. As follows: s = situation: set the scene in a brief sentence or two t = task

what did the project achieve

what tasks were involv in setting up the project? A = action: what was your role in the team? R = result: what did the project achieve and how did it deliver against objectives? It’s all about practice. Practice. Practice! We can’t stress this point enough to our people! If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail. It is imperative that you rehearse your pitch beforehand. Find a friend. A sympathetic ear – anyone. Willing to listen! It’s common for interviewers to draw on experience to understand your approach. As such. They may ask you to explain a time you dealt with a delicate or challenging situation. For instance. Jenny ming. President and ceo of clothing store charlotte russe. Likes candidates to talk about their failures

Key takeaway

She explains that it’s helpful to see that the individual is not averse to taking risks and admits things when they don’t work out. Key takeaway: tailor your achievements to the job you’re apply for. Interviewers particularly love it when candidates demonstrate how they overcame a problem. Or deliver outstanding results. Become a world class digital marketer 3. Demonstrate why (and because) you want this job the ultimate question that tends to be ask near the end of an interview is ‘why do you want this role’ or ‘why do you want to work for our company?’ however. There are two parts to this question – why and because. While anyone can explain why they want a job.

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