The Importance of Data Analysis in Digital Marketing

For those who work in marketing, the web is a gold mine. You can know who clicked on your site, why they did it and how much time they spent on your pages. You can measure the effects of a digital campaign and identify what worked and what didn’t with remarkable precision.

We have talked ( here too ) about how important it is for a company to be not only client-focused (attentive to the customer’s needs), but also data-driven (guided by data).
Now, with this in mind, let’s analyze some aspects of data collection and analysis in order to improve our marketing strategies .

Read also ” Data driven marketing: what it is and best strategies ”

Working with data

With traditional media, data on campaign performance and performance was in high demand but very scarce. You could get a rough idea of ​​how consumers were responding to your messages, but it was difficult to know exactly what was happening and why.

In the digital age, data is everywhere . Every single user activity is recorded, and this produces a huge amount of data, useful to understand what is happening, and to know when, where, how and why the user does one action rather than another.

So it is easier for digital marketers to make decisions, because data-driven information provides a solid and objective basis , and therefore better results.
Even if you are not a wizard with numbers, reports today are easy to interpret and understand. You just need to know the general principles and equip yourself with the right tools.

Monitor performance and trends

As mentioned, data analysis is mainly based on monitoring user behavior and marketing campaign trends. But all this must always be done in terms of time: to discover and understand trends and trends, you need to observe data in different time periods, and therefore have a dynamic view of the data.

It is useless to know that “…10% of web traffic this month converted…”. Is this a positive or negative, high or low result? However, if “…10% more users converted this month than last month…”, it is a positive change (a “trend”).

Example of objectives, goals and KPIs for an online news site :

Goal 1: Increase readership and interest level
Goal 2: Increase the time visitors spend on the site
Goal: Minimum time spent by visitors on the site (e.g. 3 minutes)
KPIs: visit duration (seconds), average time spent on website (seconds), percentage of returning visitors (whole number)
Data Analysis
In order to test the success of your web marketing initiatives, you need to remember the TAO of conversion optimization:

TAO-11 ) Track
2) Analyze
3) Optimize

A number is just a number until you can interpret it: it will have to tell you how your users interact with your website or digital campaign.
Although an analysis tool will never be able to provide you with 100% accurate results, it is essential to analyze the trends and changes that occur over time to truly understand the performance of your website.

Key elements to analyze:

Analyze behavioral data (Behavior) to understand visitors’ intentions. Try to find out why they visit your website. User behavior can explain a lot about their intentions and needs. By looking at the referring URLs and search terms used (keywords) to arrive at your site, you can learn a lot about the problems that visitors expect to be solved . Verify that the users who “serve” you are arriving: carry out a careful SEO analysis to find out which keywords your website is best positioned for.
Analyze the results metrics (Outcomes): Are visitors completing the goals you have defined on your site? At the end of the day, do you want users who visit your site to perform a specific action (purchase, conversion, subscription, …)? Analyzing the objectives and KPIs indicates where there is room for improvement. Check if your website meets the objectives and expectations of users, and if these match yours. Constantly integrate content that solves the problems of your ideal customers ( content marketing ).
Other important data tells us about the user experience (User Experience). What are the user behavior patterns? How can we influence them to achieve our goals? To determine the factors that influence the user experience, it is necessary to test and determine the “behavior patterns” followed by the user.
Understanding how users behave on your website will allow you to understand how this behavior can be influenced to improve your results.

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The importance of segmentation

Every visitor is different, but certainly algeria phone number resource has similar characteristics to other users, and for this reason can be inserted into a homogeneous group to analyze the metrics (and here you can see an application in contextual marketing ). This, in short, is segmentation. For example, Google Analytics segments visitors into different types, including:

First-time visitors – Those who visit your website for the first time.
How does the click path of a first-time visitor to your site differ from that of a returning visitor? Which parts of the site are most important to first-time visitors (measured by page views)?
Referrals – Where is the visitor coming from?
Users who come to your site through search engines, or those who type in the URL directly, or even those who come from a link in an online news article… they behave differently.
In addition to conversion rates, click paths and exit pages are also important metrics to consider. Is there anything you can do to improve your users’ experience?
Landing Pages – “Landing” Pages
Users who access your website by “landing” on dedicated pages behave in very different ways. What can you do to improve these pages? What elements can be changed to improve conversion results?
Connection speed, operating system and browser
It is also important to consider the technology used, because it can affect user behavior. A high “bounce rate” for users with low bandwidth, for example, could indicate that your site is taking too long to display pages.

Geographic Location

Users from different countries, provinces, or cities typically behave differently on your website. How can you optimize the experience for these different groups?
Data Visualization: The Importance of Data Presentation.
Not everyone is skilled at understanding a site navigation report, so it becomes essential to present the information in a way that is accessible to everyone.

Those who deal with ” data visualization ” must therefore lay out the data in a facilitated “visual” context precisely to help users understand more easily. There are various software programs to visually facilitate the presentation of models and trends that would otherwise risk being overlooked in the presentation based exclusively on texts and tables.

It’s not easy to decide what data to display and what information to highlight, but if you know your audience and what they need, then you should be able to select the data with the useful information.

This is why the Dashboard was created : a graphical interface (also called a dashboard ) that displays all the key indicators (KPIs) relevant to a particular system or business process. These screens summarize information and data from multiple sources in an organized and easy-to-consult manner.

Want to read more about marketing KPIs? Check out this article ” Marketing KPIs: measure your digital performance ”

Tools of the trade

Of course, you need specific software for data collection and analysis. Some are free and some are not. You will therefore have to understand which web analytics package is best suited to your needs and provides the data most compatible with your needs. Remember that if you decide to change the analysis tool, you may lose the historical data of previous activities. Here are some of the main web analytics tools. Visit the respective sites to see the features and peculiarities of each solution, and try using the “free accounts” of the different tools to evaluate the differences. Trying out different other tools helps to better understand what data we need and how web data analysis is presented.

Instead of jumping from one tool to another

we decided to invest in the Hubspot Marketing Hub , which not only allows us to keep everything under control, but offers powerful tools for marketing and sales automation, allowing us to optimize customer generation and sales process management (management of potential customers in the database, creation of automations, management of all social channels, blog, landing pages and reports on all online activities). All this through the application of inbound marketing methodologies .Monitoring, analyzing and optimizing is now a fundamental path for any marketing activity .

Digital marketing allows us to track easily and quickly, and allows us to continuously optimize our marketing strategies. If we use real data to help us make decisions, we will make better choices for our company.

With the use of user-friendly reporting

Interfaces and free and powerful web analytics tools like Google Analytics , there is no excuse for not knowing what is happening on your site or campaigns .
However, it can be easy to get too fixated on very specific data or metrics, often losing sight of larger trends. It is better to start with “macro” views, global, therefore trends and then move on to “micro” elements, more closely linked to the functioning of our website … and then also allow the numbers to decide for you.

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