Chicken or not chicken McDonald’s launches the McChicken

McDonald’s , the most famous fast food chain of all. Has taken the most controversial debate as the center of its new campaign: “Chicken” or “not chicken.” Although the Big Mac recipe has been the same for more than five decades. Now the chicken Big Mac is born . This variation will be exported to the rest of the world in 2022. Following its success in the United States and the United Kingdom. The fun spot titled “Space” has been created by the advertising agency TBWA PARIS . This marks the arrival of the chicken Big Mac to France .

Incredible public demand" in British branches.

The meat burger that arrived at the top industry data chain in 1968, and is already a McDonald’s icon. So this bet made with chicken may be a source of controversy. The variation of the classic burger debuted in 2017 in Australia . As part of a limited edition menu. Tt arrived in the UK that same year. McDonald’s had to temporarily withdraw it due to “incredible in British . This 30-second spot shows two astronauts positioning themselves in the debate. In a fight that can be heard across space. They decide which is better : with or without chicken.

Original Big Mac or Chicken Big Mac the endless debate

At the end of the ad you can read “Original BY Lists the debate.” David Philip, creator of the campaign. Declared that “in France we love to debate. Even about the little things. So imagine about a topic as important as food. He highlights that this taste is even greater when the debate is about a product as iconic as the Big Mac . “We thought it would be funny to show how even people furthest from the product will debate vigorously.” Philip adds in relation to astronauts. Who ignore the beauty of the moon when they wonder if it is allowed to add chicken to the Big Mac or not .

The Iron Throne arrives in Madrid in this incendiary action

The shield of the Targaryen house flies over the streets of Madrid, in promotion of The House of the Dragon , the hit of HBO Max . This can be seen in the Plaza de Callao next to an installation of the Iron Throne, where fans of the series have been able to sit like the authentic kings and queens of the Seven Kingdoms, between August 31 and September 4. In the heart of the Spanish capital, the surprising Targaryen shield could be seen in flames, on a gigantic three-dimensional canvas that shows the silhouette of the three dragons and says “Fire will reign . 

Other advertising actions of The House of the Dragon

This is not the first action to promote category email list the series on Spanish soil. In celebration of the premiere of The House of the Dragon. Last August , of La Concha in Donostia. Created by the Welsh artist Jon Foreman. Known for his pieces from the movement. Land Art . While waiting for the premiere of the fifth episode of the series. Fans can experience becoming a real dragon. Thanks to a collaboration between Snapchat and HBO Max . In the app users can access a lens app that will be available worldwide . As new dragons are introduced in the season, Snapchat will add new experiences.

Fans of the series were able to enjoy an artistic installation

The House of the Dragon has captivated BY Lists fans of Game of Thrones , the series had almost 10 million viewers in its premiere. Therefore, who wanted to know the history of the mythical house Targaryen 200 years before the events of the original series. Thus surpassing the record held by Game of Thrones. Without a doubt, the big favorites are Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. In a special action created by TBS and produced by the creative studio andtonic for HBO Max. Therefore, fans of the series will be able to enjoy this installation in Madrid.

ROSÀS and Havas Media the best agencies to work for according

The Best Agency to Work For ranking carried out by Scopen reveals which are the most attractive creative and media agencies to work for according to advertising sector professionals themselves. In its latest edition, which has now been published, &ROSÀS and Havas Media are positioned as the best-rated workplaces in the first quarter of 2022. In the ranking of creative agencies , &ROSÀS occupies first place followed by DAVID, McCann and Ogilvy. Fifth place went to Mr. Rushmore , sixth place was LOLA Mullenlowe and seventh place was PS21 . The list is completed by Pingüino Torreblanca, China and El Ruso de Rocky.

Top-rated media agencies

Regarding media agencies, Havas industry email list Media is in first position and leads the ranking of the most attractive agencies to work for, according to Scopen. It rises from the fourth place it reached last year. It is followed by Ymedia Wink iProspect , which took first place in the previous edition, and IPG MEDIABRANDS , which maintains third place. Carat and Arena Media are the next names on the list. GroupM comes next and occupies sixth place, as well as Dentsu, seventh. The last three companies in the ranking are Publicis Media, Zenith and OMD. In the Top 10 we find four significant increases: Arena Media (which goes from 8 to 5), GroupM (from 15 to 6), Dentsu (17 to 7) and Publicis Media.

The best advertisers to work for

When it comes to pointing out the BY Lists brands they would like to work with. Professionals point out in the Best Marketer to Work With report that IKEA. Netflix and Nike are the advertisers they are most attracted to. Among professionals from Barcelona. The top 3 is the same, while among those from Madrid. Coca-Cola overtakes Nike in third position. These same four brands compete for the top three positions for creative and media agencies. But always with IKEA in first place. In this edition, the biggest rise has been that of KFC. Which reaches seventh position from position 212 and the rises of Disney and Apple are also notable : they go from eighth and ninth position to twentieth and nineteenth position, respectively.

Analyzing the copy of above the fold (top of the screen)

It’s not  Analyzing the bad to generate 500 euros in a single afternoon, right? This post goes in that direction: trying to provide you. With a useful reference guide to save you time (and thus make you earn more money). When performing an SEO audit . Article index 1 What is an SEO audit for? 2 Elementary SEO audit – beginner level 2.1 First steps. Know the website, the sector and the objectives 2.2 Check crawling and indexing. Optimizing the WPO 2.4 Verify URL response codes. View internal linking and authority flow. Improve content 2.7 Link building: external linking strategy What is an SEO audit for? Let’s start with a quick definition to get our bearings.

Article index 1 What is an Analyzing the SEO audit for 2 Elementary SEO audit

An SEO audit is a complete analysis, an x-ray, of all the elements category email list of a website that influence its positioning, so that errors can be detected to be solved and opportunities to improve. In general, audits are usually talked about in the field of SEO consultants as one of their main functions. In fact, a professional SEO audit carried out by an experienced consultant can reach prices from €400-500 to €1,500-2,000 in specific cases, where the consultant has a certain reputation or is very specialized. And it is no wonder, since a well-worked.

SEO audit is not just for consultants in fact, it should be a common practice

SEO audit becomes a roadmap on BY Lists which to walk step by step to achieve results: more traffic and more conversion ideally (although the latter is located a little closer to the area of ​​​​the CRO). But an SEO audit is not just for consultants: in fact, it should be a common practice for anyone who has a website, whether it is a personal blog, a niche or an ecommerce… Anyone looking for visibility through search engines… of course. Elementary SEO audit – beginner level In this content you will learn how to do a basic SEO audit , but complete enough to be able to start charging for it.

Close to a quarter of a million euros with an SEO info product

Close to configuration. We save and send  the changes. Mide con Analytics With these actions we have managed. To create and send events to Analytics , where the. To test, we can go to Analytics>Real-time>Events, and try. After a few minutes. If we click on the event that we have. Defined as “Affiliate Click”, we will access the affiliate links that we want to track. We will have information about the. Event Action (which URL is clicked), and the Event Tag (where the click is made from).

In this simple Close to able to detect where we are receiving clicks

We can go even deeper by clicking on a specific link. To find out industry email list from which URLs on our website that link was visited. And that’s all! In this simple way we will be able to detect where. We are receiving clicks that will make us earn money. In our niche and be able to promote that content. I hope this post has been useful. To you and has given you some ideas to enhance your niche. Data Studio with this data I read you in the comments! Raiola Networks offers a 20% discount on all its WordPress SSD Hosting plans for all Blogger3cero readers. 

Dashboard in Data Studio with this data I read you in the comments

See Raiola WordPress SSD Hosting BY Lists here  Take advantage of this discount and start hosting your websites on a hosting you can trust, ideal for all of you who are just starting out.How to do a basic SEO audit for dummies Dean Romero Dean Romero Publication date: April 28, 2021 Article with 11 Comments The audit service is one.

Of the first that you should master if you start in the world of SEO consulting . They have something good: if you are able to do them quickly (and by quickly I don’t mean without quality) you will earn a good amount of money in a relatively short time. What do I mean by this. He did those audits on a work afternoon.

I analyze the copy of the landing page that generated

I recommend using a nomenclature I analyze so that the events are not chaos. In this case we have used: What we want to measure. Where we are going to measure it Label type: We select Google Analytics. Universal Analytics Tracking Type. Event Category. Affiliate Click (or a name that allows you to differentiate the event). Action: {{Click URL}}, with this parameter we will obtain the. URL on which the user clicks (such as the Amazon URL). Label: {{Page Path}}, to obtain from which URL on our website they clicked. Hiit without interaction. False Google Analytics settings: the variable we created. Above With this configuration, we will be creating an Event that tells us which.

Interested in creating I analyze an event for any click the user makes

URL has been clicked (Action) and top industry data from which part of our website (Label). Now we need to define when we want this event to be created . We are not interested in creating an event for any click the user makes (it would also count the user’s internal navigation clicks on our website), so we must establish a series of activation conditions. Step 2: Activation We want to track only clicks made on affiliate links, and from any site on our website: Trigger Type: Click – Links Only This trigger is activated on: Some link clicks Run this trigger when an event occurs and all of these conditions are met.

Activation We want to track only clicks made on affiliate links

To define which clicks we want the BY Lists label to trigger, we must differentiate several cases: Affiliate clicks with a URL modified by us . For example, in the case of Hostingsaurio, the Pretty Links plugin has been used so that all affiliate links have the structure: In this way, we can easily differentiate all the affiliate.

Links, since otherwise, each one would have a different structure and it would be difficult to draw a pattern. In the case of using affiliation through Amazon , we know that the links contain “” or “” What needs to be put in this last field will depend on the type of affiliate links we use: Click URL + contains + AFFILIATE URL STRUCTURE If we use Amazon Affiliates, we can use the following regular expression.

Your Passport to Product Excellence

Brands can exploit the endowment effect Your Passport. For their own benefit, fueling the feeling of ownership among consumers even before making the purchase. Giving the customer the opportunity to try on sunglasses virtually is an example of a practical application of the endowment effect. 5. IKEA effect We appreciate things more when we have invested our time, our sweat and even our tears in them.

Assemble it themselves

IKEA knows this Your Passport well and that is why the furniture sold by the famous category email list Swedish brand encourages the consumer to get down to work and assemble it themselves. “Doing something for yourself spurs purchasing power,” Modemann said. In the universe of online marketing, the IKEA effect can take shape by treating the customer to different experiences throughout the entire customer journey.

Brand in which they Your Passport have decided

An example would be guiding the BY Lists consumer through a catalog of questions. Your Passport in which they must spend a few minutes before the brand in which. They have decided to place their trust suggests the “perfect product.” Why Catchy. Slogans Aren’t Necessarily the Most Memorable (and Vice Versa) Esther Lastra Written by Esther Lastra.

Elevate Your Product Game Plan

In the universe of marketing, the Carpenter effect Endowment effect The endowment effect can prove to be particularly useful when it comes to showing products in use. And it also works with calls to action. “It is important to be visual,” Modemann stressed. Phrases that deliberately urge the consumer to take action (“Take the first step,” for example) are also very useful. 3. Mental accounting Mental accounting means that we have different.

Choose to put a Elevate Your particular purchase

Willingness to pay for certain products industry email list depending on the context in which we find ourselves and the “mental box” in which we choose to put a particular purchase. “Mental accounting mitigates the pain of paying,” Modemann said. And precisely for this reason, paying 4 euros for a beer at a gas station seems like an abuse, but we willingly pay it in a bar where we have met with our friends. Mental accounting can prove to be particularly useful for brands using the framing technique.

Endowment effect The endowment effect

A protein shake can be presented, for BY Lists example, as a mere food, as a product beneficial to health, as a supplement for athletes or as a lifestyle experience. 4. Endowment effect The endowment effect specifically refers to the emotional tendency to view an item as more valuable when we own that item. “We automatically attribute more value to things that belong to us,” Modemann noted. “And the longer we have owned something, the stronger this effect becomes,” he added.

Unleash Your Product Potential

In this sense, it is absolutely vital to “understand what is Unleash. Your happening in the subconscious of your target audience. She stressed. In his speech at OMR dissected 5 psychological keys to “doing marketing on steroids. Social proof. The best way to get a consumer interested in a particular product is to see how other people already enjoy (and recommend) that product.

User Unleash Your generated content

Influencers are the best example of the extraordinary top industry data power of social proof. However, ordinary people can also assert the power of social proof. ” User-generated content” , born from the consumer’s personal experiences with brands’ products and services, enjoys a lot of popularity on social networks. “The more similar the creator is to your brand’s target audience, the more powerful the content they generate will  stated.

Moves people to unconsciously replicate that movement

Carpenter Effect According to the Carpenter BY Lists effect. (Also known as the ideomotor effect), observing a movement causes a tendency. That moves people to unconsciously replicate that movement. Athletes often rely on the Carpenter effect (named after the British doctor. William Benjamin Carpenter) to visualize in advance in their heads the competition they are about to face.

Organize your content production

Creating random posts is not the right way. Remember that one of the great proposals of Content Marketing is to educate the. Audience and guide them on the purchasing journey. Resolving their doubts and generating value. This is when the Inbound Marketing methodology comes in. In which content is created. According to the stage in which the consumer is within the sales funnel .It is essential to align deliveries and meet publication deadlines. Especially when we manage projects with many professionals involved. 

Take advantage of your company's talents

This practice is becoming more common email contact list on corporate blogs and is a great way to add even more authority. If your company has specialists in certain areas, this can be an opportunity even in terms of SEO. The so-called EAT attributes – Expertise – Authoritativeness – Trustworthiness  are among the best practices recommended by Google experts. We do not have a way to precisely calculate its impact on positioning, but by analyzing the performance of many sites , we can deduce that the search engine gives priority to content whose authors are experts on the topic in question.

Hire the right professionals

Nowadays it is easy to find good professionals BY lists in the market, the difficult thing is to find those who are suitable for your business. A degree is essential, but a specialized professional or one with experience in projects similar to yours can contribute much more to your brand. Of course, finding top-notch producers isn’t as simple as posting a job opening on social media groups, although it’s also a means of finding candidates. You will need to search the websites and blogs in your sector and analyze their publications.

What are the main benefits of publishing content at scale

In classic marketing, brand awareness is a qualitative measure. Of how much and how your consumers remember your brand or the solution you offer within a certain sector . In Digital Marketing in general and in SEO in particular. The awareness that the public has about the. Usefulness of our brand and its incredible ability to solve their problem is manifested in another way: in the times it appears in the search results. The consumer searches for you on the engines. Because they interpret that your company has authority on a particular topic that interests them and. They begin to recognize you as the brand that has the answers they need.

User experience

Every Digital Marketing professional must top people data focus on user experience . That’s why we’re seeing major changes to Google’s guidelines that are already making websites around the world adapt. In this sense, we also have to design our content thinking about perfecting navigation, comfort and usability . Good navigability also makes the work of search engine robots easier and increases the time spent by visitors to your website. One search leads to others and the depth offered by a publication can generate more specific questions. 

How to scale content production

First of all, it is important BY lists to understand how. The entire creation operation takes place. It is necessary to separate this work into the different phases that. Constitute it and design a process so that the entire activity can be carried out accurately. When writing a post, for example, it is very common for this activity. To be understood only as the “act of writing a text. The main goals of documenting steps include understanding how your. Production actually works, controlling it more precisely. And facilitating the delegation of responsibilities, which is essential to enable scalability .

Then check out these 10 powerful techniques for it

To scale content production, you need email leads professionals, tools and, above all, a good strategy. Much more than creating texts, images, infographics, videos or interactive materials with volume and frequency, it is necessary to develop effective ways to manage the project, optimize results and involve our team. No matter what your area of ​​expertise, if you want to stand out on the web, at some point you will have to expand your content production, either to satisfy your own demand or due to competitive pressure.

What does it mean to scale content production

It means making adjustments throughout email leads the system to increase production in a proportionate way, that is, to increase expressively without losing the level of quality. It’s not just about increasing the number of posts, but also about being increasingly useful to your buyer persona , providing them with as many materials as possible to educate them, help them solve problems, and guide them during their purchasing journey . There is no point in simply making an avalanche of posts just to increase the volume of content on your corporate blog .

Why scale your blog content production

These doubts are very common and even BY lists somewhat controversial. You don’t have to visit many sites to find hot discussions on the topic. What we can say is that quantity is important, especially when it comes to building authority on the web, but there is no way to define an ideal average number of publications, since this information does not exist as an infallible standard for all strategies and brands. . With the exception of very specific searches ( long tail ), the content that gains positions in the SERPs generally belongs to domains that have a considerable volume of publications.