An action plan for content creation

There is no point in filling ourselves with keywords that are synonyms or that overlap with each other. At this stage we exit the tool and sit down with the team to work on the document. This fifth step is also a good scenario to remove from keyword research those keywords that we call “vanity”; that are very ambiguous, contribute little or are very difficult for the digital moment of the business. Step 6. Prioritize after classifying the list, the penultimate step of the process does not have an instruction manual to follow, because what you must do is make decisions. What is most important to your business right now? Which keywords will bring you the most? Where is the greatest opportunity.

Every year or every time you feel

These answers are the input to execute this penultimate business database stage of keyword research . Here you will take the list, you will meet with the team, you will evaluate all the variables – metrics of each keyword, the moment of your business, the market situation, the strategy of your competitors and your content generation and engine optimization capabilities. Search or advertising investment—and you will establish your priorities. An action plan for content creation and digital advertising should emerge from this exercise. Step 7. Repeat the process if you have come this far, what you have in your hands is your first keyword research and an action plan. What follows is to repeat the process; every semester. Every year or every time you feel that the market has changed.

User experience acronym in for user experience

Let’s internalize how to create excellent information. Architecture so BY Lists we can design websites that are easy. To consume, understand and navigate. User experience acronym in for user experience  is one. Of the digital activities that receive the most attention today. This is due to the proliferation of devices. That the market has today. And that businesses have understood that fighting only in the field of attracting new users, without worrying about retention, threatens their future results.

The keyword received in an average

Our favorites are: the aforementioned. In this third step you will spend a couple of weeks with the tool you choose. The task is to use it to find ideas that complement the list. The objective is to deepen the created document as much as possible so as not to leave any important keywords out. The more keywords you include, the better. Step 4. Measuring an extensive and detailed list of keywords in a spreadsheet or notepad, we can undertake the hardest work of the process: purging and selecting the critical keywords for the business.

The seasonality will graph the behavior

To execute this task we will need to collect detailed business lead information for each keyword. And to do so we will use the same tools that we took into account in the previous point. The task is to enter the entire list of keywords that we have built in the tool we have chosen, so that said platform adds the search volume, seasonality and level of competition data for each keyword. The volume will show us how many searches. The keyword received in an average month. The seasonality will graph the behavior of the search volume of each keyword in the months of the year and the level of competition will tell.

Classify with the collection of the

Us how competitive a keyword is a high level of BY Lists competition means that many businesses are using or trying to position themselves for said keyword . Classify with the collection of the three indicators we will be able to advance to the next step: sit down as a team to discuss, from the business perspective, which are the most coherent and convenient keywords for each phase of the consumer journey. We do the classification to create groups or clusters of keywords that we could work together. The objective is to reduce the volume of keywords that we have in the document, to keep those that represent the best opportunities for the business.

All you have to do is visit their website

Thenfor the asynchronous exercise, upload the file to a shared folder and commit to writing down everything that comes to mind over the next week. Step 2. Evaluate the market and competitors once the synchronous and asynchronous brainstorming is over, what follows is to investigate the market and competitors. For the first, you could do a focus group or simple interviews with clients, prospects and ordinary people who live in different states of consciousness. The idea here is to ask those people to share keywords with you to enrich your keyword research . Now, to investigate competitors. All you have to do is visit their website or social networks to identify what words they use or what topics they.

The third step of the process consists

All the keywords you obtain by researching the market business email list and competitors must be added to the master document that you built in the first step. Add tools up to this point, what you have is a file full of keywords. In it you put your ideas, those of the team, those of clients and those of competitors. If you did it meticulously, that document will be a fantastic starting point for keyword research for your business. If, on the other hand, you only spent a few minutes and only wrote down the first fifteen words that came to mind, we recommend that, before continuing, you reverse and go back to the first step. The third step of the process consists of taking the document to enrich it, leveraging one or more tools.

Other interesting free tools to increase

The goal is to use a keyword research platform to BY Lists complement the archive. What tools do we recommend for this step? There are many, free and paid. The simplest of the free ones is google. If you take one of the keywords from your document and search for it on google, the autocomplete will show you other interesting ones—even related ideas will appear within the results. Other interesting free tools to increase your keyword research are: a plugin for google chrome called keyword surfer or which has a free and a paid version. Now, in paid tools we have a huge universe.

The methodology for creation and

With good keyword research , defining the editorial line of your blog or the publication calendar for social networks will be a piece of cake. The list of keywords will show the team what topics should be addressed in the digital world to be consistent with the consumer journey and business objectives. That document will also serve as a guide for your search engine optimization efforts. By defining and prioritizing the essential keywords for the company, a clear seo work plan can be drawn up. In addition, this document will give them clues about the critical keywords for each moment in the relationship with the audiences and thus they will be able to design advertising campaigns that reinforce the business’s position in the market.

Keyword research must be done

How to do keyword research the fundamental b2b leads steps. Keyword research for digital marketing is a process. That must be executed in order. To obtain its full benefits. Keyword research must be done following a method, otherwise a lot of time and resources could be wasted. Likewise, it is important to understand that this is not a one-time process. Your keyword research has to be seen as a living document, which is constantly reviewed and improved — because keywords depend on the changing behavior of people, markets and competitors. Working on keyword research has to become a habit of the digital team, so that they are never taken by surprise by a keyword, a competitor or the intentions of a consumer. The methodology for creation and updating must be internalized and developed as an individual and collective skill.

Therefore the first step in building keyword

This methodology is made up of seven steps that BY Lists we will describe below: step 1. Brainstorm no one knows your business and its customers better than you and your team. Therefore the first step in building keyword research is to search your brain and that of your collaborators to make a list of the business keywords. That brainstorming is the starting point of the study and we believe that there is no right or wrong way to do it. The only thing we recommend is that you do one synchronous exercise and one asynchronous exercise. For synchronization, take out a workspace with your team, free yourselves from distractions and sit down to throw ideas into the air. During the process, open a spreadsheet or notepad and write down all the search terms that you think people who are searching for what you offer are using.

So simple and at the same time

These types of keywords are very opportune to provide value to clients or prospects and for people to discover your business in the initial phases of the consumer journey. Navigational  navigational keyword is one used by people who need to know options or opinions about something. Generally, these types of keywords are used by those who live in the third state of consciousness; the state in which they want to see alternatives to start a decision-making process. For the bicycle example, the keyword “the best bicycle oils” is a navigational keyword ; because the user is not yet thinking about buying something, what they want is to navigate through the options to document themselves and make a more informed decision for their problem or need.

Local keywords can be navigational or

Transactional what keywords do people use when b2b email list they want to buy specific things? Well, transactional keywords. These types of keywords are those used in the fourth state of consciousness. Here the user goes to google to directly search for the brand or product by name. For example, “where to buy xyz oil for my bike” is an obviously transactional keyword. People using that keyword already understand your problem and have already evaluated the options; therefore, what they need is to make the purchase. 4. Premises this fourth type of keywords is closely linked to the navigational and transactional categories, but we like to separate it because the intentions have a direct relationship with the physical environment of the searcher. Local keywords can be navigational or transactional and are special because the user wants a solution framed in a particular geographic space.

Or if he searches for bike oil stores open

For example when the bike owner searches BY Lists for bike shops near my house what he is using as a search term is a local navigational keyword. Or if he searches for bike oil stores open tonight. what he used is a local transactional keyword. What is keyword research a keyword research is a meticulous investigation to determine which are the most coherent and convenient keywords with a business objective. So simple and at the same time complex. The keyword study is a document in which all the information about the keywords that are important for the business is stored. This document is created primarily for three things content strategy , (ii) planning seo work , and (iii) executing a digital advertising effort.

Potential Custome

Funnel? To explain how to carry out an analysis based on the marketing funnel, at least one new article would be necessary. However, we can tell you that there is no standard formula applicable to all situations, each case has its own peculiarities. What does it mean? To understand the behavior of users who browse your website, depending on the objectivesor a one-off fee with the possibility of a trial period prior to purchase. Marketing: intuitive or cumbersome? On both platforms you can work on the SEO side of the products, you can integrate email marketing automation platforms, promotional activities with coupons, free shipping, product reviews or apps to sell in external marketplaces. That said, there are essentially two differences. Shopify wins on the simplicity front, as its apps are more intuitive than Magento plugins even for non-“experts” and allow you to change configurations more

Therefore Take Too Long. Let’s

you intend to achieve, we can say that  b2b email list there are 2 macro analyzes that can be activated: user experience analysis ; web analytics analysis . The first takes into consideration all those dynamics that concern user behavior during navigation, for example heat maps, qualitativecomplex CMS. Today when we talk about Magento we are referring to Magento 2, the most modern, efficient and high-performance version of the CMS. Those who already have an

Think About the Fashion E-Commerce

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t can help us increase the number of contacts or turnover. If yours is a B2C company that wants to increase sales on the sitecontact us, we will help you achieve your goals. PUBLICATION DATE05/09/2023The choice of the e-commerce platform BY a fundamental step, often the first responsible for the success or failure of an e-commerce business. This decision is all the more important when we talk about small businesses that have to manage limited budgets and need

Most of the Stress That People Suffer at Work Comes

sparty has finished Most of the defending their positions. “To perfect our capacity for empathy, it is advisable that we take an interest in the person or people in front of us, know their culture, their hobbies, their life circumstances, understand their needs and objectives. Only then can we put ourselves in their place,” advises the speaker. THE EEPPAA MODEL: HOW TO SUCCEED IN ANY NEGOTIATION It is a universal negotiation model that allows any negotiation to be successful by following these simple steps: Listen: Being attentive to listening to who we have to negotiate

That Urgency or Importance Is for Others but Not for You.

with allows us to generate more trust in ourselves, facilitating our requests. Empathy: Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. It is a plus point to understand the needs of the other party. Even more important is being able to generate empathy in others. Questions: Asking is essential to clarify, delve into details and find alternatives that will lead our negotiation to success. Questions  business lead  generate possibilities. Proposal: Proposing means putting in favor, making agreements begin to materialize. We can also make a proposal to change the conditions of the negotiation. It is up to us how and for what purpose we make our proposal. Agreement :

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A negotiation without agreements is not a negotiation. Remember to make clear to all parties the commitments, times and conditions you want to negotiate. Always try to get it in writing to ensure a backup of your agreement. Actions: Once everything is formalized, we have to take action, avoiding procras      tination BY  Lists  and loss of commitment. It is important to monitor from the beginning the times established to meet the objectives and monitor to see that everything is being carried out. HOW TO SAY ‘NO’ AND BE MORE PRODUCTIVE A co-worker asks you to

Person’s Time and Energy the Project

commander of the Allied army to prioritize in battle which tasks required his immediate action and which he could delegate or postpone. Since then, this matrix has become one of the most used tools in decision-making within the world of business and companies due to its simplicity and effectiveness. This matrix has two axes: On the horizontal X axis of URGENCY, which refers to the need for a task to be performed immediately or if we can postpone it. On the vertical Y axis of IMPORTANCE, which indicates whether said task is related to achieving our main objectives or not. The combination of urgency and importance of a task is what determines

He Type of Action You Should Take with

tes require your attention. Because if you do it well, it will allow you to dedicate yourself to what is important but not urgent, which is usually what will give you greater professional and personal growth. Therefore, the key lies in PLANNING and BLOCKING TIME to act. People who have achieved high professional and personal performance try to spend most of their time in the ‘important but not urgent’ zone, planning and determining when they will accomplish those tasks while also doing the current task. THE NEGOTIATION Negotiation  b2b email listis  a process of exchanging information and commitments in which two or more parties who have common and divergent interests try to reach an agreement. “Negotiation usually takes place in the form of dialogue

Eisenhower Matrix Eye! Not Everything

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between the parties, where each party has an interest in what the other party has or can offer, but is not willing to accept all of its conditions,” explains the speaker. In this way, each party seeks to get the other to give up something in order to reach a point of agreement acceptable to both. TYPES OF NEGOTIATION There are 5 types BY  Lists  of negotiation according to the attitude adopted by the negotiator, the objectives and the circumstances in which each case occurs. Accommodative: It is put into practice when one of the parties assumes the position of loser to

Your Most Important Tasks That You Already

position or position in Your Most  the company , defining a priori a suppos superiority or inferiority due to the fact of occupying a hierarchical order. learn to negotiate “In the case of the negotiator with a higher position in the company, he will feel justifi in demanding; The negotiator with a lower position usually shows weakness and submission for fear of dismissal, in such a way that his negotiation maneuver will be limitor nullifi,” clarifies Pietro Carollo. 3. GENERATE

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CREATIVE SOLUTIONS THAT PRODUCE MUTUAL BENEFITS In a creative negotiation, negotiators spend time brainstorming to consider a wide range of possible options before choosing the best one. It is very useful to keep an open mind to possibilities, perhaps unscheled, that can resolve the negotiation in a way advantageous for both parties. 4. USE OBJECTIVE CRITERIA Negotiators rely on objective (indisputable) criteria to resolve their differences. For example, they migh   business email list  t agree to adhere to standards such as market value, expert opinion, industry protocol, or legislation. In this sense, “ it is important that the parties agree in advance what objective criteria they will consult and accept the result derived from them. The

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e objectives must necessarily be independent of the will of the parties involved, be legitimate and at the same time practical,” says Pietro. YOU MAY BE INTEREST IN: 10 KEYS TO SUCCEED IN A NEGOTIATION 5. HAVE EMPATHY It is one of the most difficult skills to find because it is part of one’s own personality, although it can and must be acquired and perfected. We understand empathy as the ability to see issues as the other sees them, from their position and circumstance. It is BY  Lists not necessary to assume their point of view, but it is necessary to understand why they think that way, what leads them to that behavior. In any negotiation, empathetic people have an advantage because they have come a long way before the opposing

Will Require. Study Your Agenda Well and

obtain superior results in the future. The negotiator (loser) accepts all the conditions of the counterparty in order to establish a future relationship. Probably in a future negotiation his power will increase and he will demand that some of his conditions be met. Competitive : It is about ensuring that the greatest number of conditions are accepted in the negotiation. You compete with your counterpart trying to impose your position. This type of negotiation is also called win-lose. Collaborative: Negotiators are willing to give up most of their conditions in order

That Seems Urgent or Important

to reach an agreement favorable to both parties. In this case, the negotiator is more empathetic with his counterpart’s point of view and seeks to make the relationship mutually beneficial. This type of negotiation is also called win-win. Compromise: It is about negotiating superficially in order to continue the relationship, but without resolving all the points in conflict. In other words, it is a “patch” agreement to move forward, b2b leads  but which postpones the solution to the conflict. Avoidant : It is put into practice when one of the parties considers that they will not obtain the benefits expected in the agreement. Therefore, one of the parties’ negotiators tries to adopt a

It Is Also Necessary to Determine

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position of inaction and decides not to negotiate. In reality, a lose-lose situation occurs. 5 TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION 1. SEPARATE PEOPLE FROM THE PROBLEMS BEING NEGOTIATED We must be very clear that when negotiating we are not dealing with people, but with problems. Look for an agreement that meets the needs of everyone involved, leaving aside BY  Lists  emotional and personality issues. 2. FOCUS ATTENTION ON THE INTERESTS OF THE PARTIES AND NOT ON THE POSITIONS THEY OCCUPY A very common mistake when negotiating with someone is to consider the person based on their

Ballesteros es docente de nuestro Máster

look at my social networks, Ballesteros es why not have them well prepared? “It is not enough to be a very good person, you also have to demonstrate it so that others see your professional worth,” explains the expert on LinkedIn. ON LINKEDIN, THE VALUE YOU RECEIVE IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE VALUE YOU OFFER TO YOUR COMMUNITY. There are many opportunities to progress professi   onally, but you have to value yourself, be confident when communicating, have a circle of trust… All of this must be shown on your LinkedIn profile because each company will be looking for something in particular from you and it has to be

David Díaz has explained how to get a good profile photo at zero

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

David Díaz has explain how to  business email list  get a good profile photo at zero cost thanks to two applications. Removegb: Allows you to put a good background on any photo you have on your mobile. Snappr Photo Analyzer: objectively add notes of all the aspects that neto be modifiin your photo, such as composition, saturation, distance, etc. linkin profile photo What to avoid by putting in your profile photo: The photo on the border: We do not have to show that we have been students, what we want is to work   and, to do so, the photo has to show professionalism. The #OPENTOWORK: This does not affect the positioning of your profile in any way. Recruiters do not prioritize this factor when searching for a person, but instead focu

David Díaz has explained how to get a good

Business Email List

on searching by keywords. BACKGROUND IMAGE Many times we don’t know what to put in our LinkIn profile background image and we leave it blank. However, we have to know that this aspect is a good way to advertise, so we must take advantage of it. Some options: Put a photo from an image bank: We have to try to make that photo reflect something about us, that defines us and provides information. If a phrase is also add, the better. Add contact information: This is very interesting for promoting yourself. BY Lists  We can put our name and position, telephone number… Assembly: Another very good option is to put together a collage with motifs relatto your hobbies, work, studies… Photo of the person themselves doing something

These Are the Web Design Trends 2023

The application of 3d elements in web design will be very notable, whether with objects. Such as animations or illustrations that make the website more modern and digital. In addition, 3d resource banks have appeared that facilitate. Their implementation , although it requires professionalism and your own resources to know how to use them correctly.

The “frosted glass” or glasmorphism. Effect is also going to come in strong. This consists of making some elements visually appear as if they were glass , combining transparency, movement and blur to give a sensation. Of depth and space to the website, or in other words, a 3d effect. It will be very common to see this effect in fields such as forms or images. Because it helps highlight elements and guarantee their readability.

3d elements and glasmorphism

Do you know which 2023 web design trends are here to stay.? The sector has evolved so b2b email list much in recent years that more. And more companies are competing to have a good design on their website in order to be able to show themselves to their niche customers and give them confidence.

Web designers find themselves in a time where they not only have. To pay attention to what is visually attractive or functional, but. They also have to connect emotionally with people. To do this, they are implementing updates in aspects such as fonts or colors. And incorporating new techniques such as micro interactions, virtual reality or glasmorphism.

Web design trends 2023

In this article, we are going to learn about some of the techniques and visual. Styles that BY Lists will help you design an attractive and modern website so that any company can appear as a great showcase on the internet!

Custom cursors
Although we are used to using the traditional white pointer as a cursor, in 2023 we are. Committed to innovation and many websites will present personalized cursors, with a differentiating appearance that makes it unique. Larger, colored, shaped cursors… You just have to keep in mind that the design of the chosen cursor matches the appearance of the website.